} #}}}
+sub unlockwiki () { #{{{
+ close WIKILOCK;
+} #}}}
sub loadindex () { #{{{
open (IN, "$config{srcdir}/.ikiwiki/index") || return;
while (<IN>) {
} #}}}
-sub rcs_commit ($) { #{{{
+sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{
+ # Prepares to edit a file under revision control. Returns a token
+ # that must be passed into rcs_commit when the file is ready
+ # for committing.
+ # The file is relative to the srcdir.
+ my $file=shift;
+ if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
+ # For subversion, return the revision of the file when
+ # editing begins.
+ my $rev=svn_info("Revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ return defined $rev ? $rev : "";
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit ($$$) { #{{{
+ # Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and
+ # a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure.
+ # The file is relative to the srcdir.
+ my $file=shift;
my $message=shift;
+ my $rcstoken=shift;
if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
+ # Check to see if the page has been changed by someone
+ # else since rcs_prepedit was called.
+ my ($oldrev)=$rcstoken=~/^([0-9]+)$/; # untaint
+ my $rev=svn_info("Revision", "$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ if ($rev != $oldrev) {
+ # Merge their changes into the file that we've
+ # changed.
+ chdir($config{srcdir}); # svn merge wants to be here
+ if (system("svn", "merge", "--quiet", "-r$oldrev:$rev",
+ "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
+ warn("svn merge -r$oldrev:$rev failed\n");
+ }
+ }
if (system("svn", "commit", "--quiet", "-m",
- $config{srcdir}) != 0) {
- warn("svn commit failed\n");
+ "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
+ my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ if (system("svn", "revert", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
+ warn("svn revert failed\n");
+ }
+ return $conflict;
+ return undef # success
} #}}}
sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
+ # filename is relative to the root of the srcdir
my $file=shift;
if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
} #}}}
+sub svn_info ($$) { #{{{
+ my $field=shift;
+ my $file=shift;
+ my $info=`LANG=C svn info $file`;
+ my ($ret)=$info=~/^$field: (.*)$/m;
+ return $ret;
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my $num=shift;
my @ret;
eval q{use Time::Duration};
if (-d "$config{srcdir}/.svn") {
- my $info=`LANG=C svn info $config{srcdir}`;
- my ($svn_url)=$info=~/^URL: (.*)$/m;
+ my $svn_url=svn_info("URL", $config{srcdir});
# FIXME: currently assumes that the wiki is somewhere
# under trunk in svn, doesn't support other layouts.
eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
- fields => [qw(do from page content comments)],
+ fields => [qw(do rcsinfo from page content comments)],
header => 1,
method => 'POST',
validate => {
table => 0,
template => "$config{templatedir}/editpage.tmpl"
+ my @buttons=("Save Page", "Preview", "Cancel");
my ($page)=$form->param('page')=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
if (! defined $page || ! length $page || $page ne $q->param('page') ||
error("bad page name");
+ my $file=$page.$config{default_pageext};
+ my $newfile=1;
+ if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
+ $file=$pagesources{lc($page)};
+ $newfile=0;
+ }
$form->field(name => "do", type => 'hidden');
$form->field(name => "from", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", type => 'hidden');
$form->field(name => "page", value => "$page", force => 1);
$form->field(name => "comments", type => "text", size => 80);
$form->field(name => "content", type => "textarea", rows => 20,
cols => 80);
+ $form->tmpl_param("can_commit", $config{svn});
+ $form->tmpl_param("indexlink", indexlink());
+ if (! $form->submitted) {
+ $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
+ force => 1);
+ }
if ($form->submitted eq "Cancel") {
print $q->redirect("$config{url}/".htmlpage($page));
else {
$form->tmpl_param("page_preview", "");
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_conflict", "");
if (! $form->submitted || $form->submitted eq "Preview" ||
! $form->validate) {
$form->title("creating $page");
elsif ($form->field("do") eq "edit") {
- if (! length $form->field('content')) {
+ if (! defined $form->field('content') ||
+ ! length $form->field('content')) {
my $content="";
if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
$form->title("editing $page");
- $form->tmpl_param("can_commit", $config{svn});
- $form->tmpl_param("indexlink", indexlink());
- print $form->render(submit => ["Save Page", "Preview", "Cancel"]);
+ print $form->render(submit => \@buttons);
else {
# save page
- my $file=$page.$config{default_pageext};
- my $newfile=1;
- if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
- $file=$pagesources{lc($page)};
- $newfile=0;
- }
my $content=$form->field('content');
if ($newfile) {
+ # prevent deadlock with post-commit hook
+ unlockwiki();
# presumably the commit will trigger an update
# of the wiki
- rcs_commit($message);
+ my $conflict=rcs_commit($file, $message,
+ $form->field("rcsinfo"));
+ if (defined $conflict) {
+ $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
+ force => 1);
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_conflict", 1);
+ $form->field("content", value => $conflict, force => 1);
+ $form->field("do", "edit)");
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
+ $form->field(name => "page", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->title("editing $page");
+ print $form->render(submit => \@buttons);
+ return;
+ }
else {