>>>> logical to me, and probably fixes other similar bugs outside the
>>>> meta plugin scope. Please have a look when you can.
>>>> --[[intrigeri]]
+>>>>> Glad you have tackled this. Looking at
+>>>>> 25447bccae0439ea56da7a788482a4807c7c459d,
+>>>>> I wonder how this rescan hook is different from a scan hook
+>>>>> with `last => 1` ? Ah, it comes *after* the preprocess hook
+>>>>> in scan mode. Hmm, I wonder if there's any reason to have
+>>>>> the scan hook called before those as it does now. Reordering
+>>>>> those 2 lines could avoid adding a new hook. --[[Joey]]
+>>>>>> Sure. I was fearing to break other plugins if I did so, so I
+>>>>>> did not dare to. I'll try this. --[[intrigeri]]