* [[Smuxi IRC Client|https://smuxi.im/]] - powerful IRC client for GNOME
* [[hplusroadmap|http://diyhpl.us/wiki/]] - a community for open source hardware, do-it-yourself biohacking and practical transhumanism
* [[OpenAFS|http://wiki.openafs.org]] - an open-source, cross-platform distributed file system
* [Copyleft.org](http://copyleft.org/)
* [Hacklab Independência](https://hi.ato.br) - radical tech collective
* [Piratas XYZ](http://piratas.xyz) - one of [pirate party of brazil](http://partidopirata.org)'s sites
* [[Smuxi IRC Client|https://smuxi.im/]] - powerful IRC client for GNOME
* [[hplusroadmap|http://diyhpl.us/wiki/]] - a community for open source hardware, do-it-yourself biohacking and practical transhumanism
* [[OpenAFS|http://wiki.openafs.org]] - an open-source, cross-platform distributed file system
* [Copyleft.org](http://copyleft.org/)
* [Hacklab Independência](https://hi.ato.br) - radical tech collective
* [Piratas XYZ](http://piratas.xyz) - one of [pirate party of brazil](http://partidopirata.org)'s sites