destdir => "/var/www/wiki",
url => "",
- cgiurl => "",
+ cgiurl => "",
#templatedir => "/usr/share/ikiwiki/templates",
#underlaydir => "/usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki",
# Attempt to make hardlinks to source files instead of copying them.
# Useful if the wiki contains large media files.
#hardlink => 1,
+ # Enable use of multimarkdown features in .mdwn files.
+ #multimarkdown => 1,
# To add plugins, list them here.
#add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff search wikitext camelcase
#disable_plugins => [qw{inline htmlscrubber passwordauth openid}],
# To add a directory to the perl search path, use this.
#libdir => "/home/me/.ikiwiki/",
+ # To override environment variable settings, you can list values here.
+ #ENV => {
+ # TZ => "America/New_York",
+ # PATH => "/home/me/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin",
+ #},
# For use with the tag plugin, make all tags be located under a
# base page.
# For use with the pinger plugin, how many seconds to wait before
# timing out.
#pinger_timeout => 15.
+ # For use with the amazon S3 plugin, your public access key id.
+ #amazon_s3_key_id => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
+ # And a file holding your secret key. This file *must* not be
+ # readable by others!
+ #amazon_s3_key_file => "/home/me/.hide/.s3_key
+ # The globally unique name of the bucket to use to store the wiki.
+ #amazon_s3_bucket => "mywiki",
+ # A prefix to prepend to each page name.
+ #amazon_s3_prefix => "wiki/",
+ # Uncomment to use the S3 European datacenter.
+ #amazon_s3_location => "EU",
+ # Uncomment if you need to store each index file twice.
+ #amazon_s3_dupindex => 1,