+### Sorting
+Is there a way to have the generated maps sorted by *title* instead of *filename* when show=title is used?
+-- Thiana
+> [[bugs/map_sorts_by_pagename_and_not_title_when_show__61__title_is_used]] --[[Joey]]
Question: Is there a way to generate a listing that shows *both* title and description meta information? Currently, a \[\[!map ...]] shows only one of the two, but I'd like to generate a navigation that looks like a description list. For example:
* This is the title meta information.
>> far as I can tell there is no [[PageSpec]] notation for "subpages of a
>> page that satisfies link(foo)"...
>> -- Zack
+>>> I think that the ideas and code in
+>>> [[todo/tracking_bugs_with_dependencies]] might also handle this case.
+>>> --[[Joey]]