my %feeds;
my %guids;
-sub import { #{{{
+sub import {
hook(type => "getopt", id => "aggregate", call => \&getopt);
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "aggregate", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "aggregate", call => \&checkconfig);
if (exists $config{aggregate_webtrigger} && $config{aggregate_webtrigger}) {
hook(type => "cgi", id => "aggregate", call => \&cgi);
-} # }}}
-sub getopt () { #{{{
+sub getopt () {
eval q{use Getopt::Long};
error($@) if $@;
"aggregate" => \$config{aggregate},
"aggregateinternal!" => \$config{aggregateinternal},
-} #}}}
-sub getsetup () { #{{{
+sub getsetup () {
plugin => {
safe => 1,
safe => 1,
rebuild => 0,
-} #}}}
-sub checkconfig () { #{{{
+sub checkconfig () {
if ($config{aggregate} && ! ($config{post_commit} &&
IkiWiki::commit_hook_enabled())) {
-} #}}}
-sub cgi ($) { #{{{
+sub cgi ($) {
my $cgi=shift;
if (defined $cgi->param('do') &&
exit 0;
-} #}}}
-sub launchaggregation () { #{{{
+sub launchaggregation () {
# See if any feeds need aggregation.
my @feeds=needsaggregate();
return 1;
-} #}}}
# Pages with extension _aggregated have plain html markup, pass through.
-sub htmlize (@) { #{{{
+sub htmlize (@) {
my %params=@_;
return $params{content};
-} #}}}
# Used by ikiwiki-transition aggregateinternal.
-sub migrate_to_internal { #{{{
+sub migrate_to_internal {
if (! lockaggregate()) {
error("an aggregation process is currently running");
-} #}}}
-sub needsbuild (@) { #{{{
+sub needsbuild (@) {
my $needsbuild=shift;
-} # }}}
-sub preprocess (@) { #{{{
+sub preprocess (@) {
my %params=@_;
foreach my $required (qw{name url}) {
$feed->{template}=$params{template} . ".tmpl";
delete $feed->{unseen};
$feed->{lastupdate}=0 unless defined $feed->{lastupdate};
+ $feed->{lasttry}=$feed->{lastupdate} unless defined $feed->{lasttry};
$feed->{numposts}=0 unless defined $feed->{numposts};
$feed->{newposts}=0 unless defined $feed->{newposts};
$feed->{message}=gettext("new feed") unless defined $feed->{message};
($feed->{newposts} ? "; ".$feed->{newposts}.
" ".gettext("new") : "").
-} # }}}
-sub delete (@) { #{{{
+sub delete (@) {
my @files=@_;
# Remove feed data for removed pages.
my $page=pagename($file);
-} #}}}
-sub markunseen ($) { #{{{
+sub markunseen ($) {
my $page=shift;
foreach my $id (keys %feeds) {
-} #}}}
my $state_loaded=0;
-sub loadstate () { #{{{
+sub loadstate () {
return if $state_loaded;
if (-e "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") {
close IN;
-} #}}}
-sub savestate () { #{{{
+sub savestate () {
return unless $state_loaded;
my $newfile="$config{wikistatedir}/";
push @line, "tag=$_" foreach @{$data->{tags}};
else {
- push @line, "$field=".$data->{$field};
+ push @line, "$field=".$data->{$field}
+ if defined $data->{$field};
print OUT join(" ", @line)."\n" || error("write $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
close OUT || error("save $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
rename($newfile, "$config{wikistatedir}/aggregate") ||
error("rename $newfile: $!", $cleanup);
-} #}}}
-sub garbage_collect () { #{{{
+sub garbage_collect () {
foreach my $name (keys %feeds) {
# remove any feeds that were not seen while building the pages
# that used to contain them
delete $guid->{md5};
-} #}}}
-sub mergestate () { #{{{
+sub mergestate () {
# Load the current state in from disk, and merge into it
# values from the state in memory that might have changed
# during aggregation.
# fields.
foreach my $name (keys %myfeeds) {
if (exists $feeds{$name}) {
- foreach my $field (qw{message lastupdate numposts
- newposts error}) {
+ foreach my $field (qw{message lastupdate lasttry
+ numposts newposts error}) {
-} #}}}
-sub clearstate () { #{{{
+sub clearstate () {
-} #}}}
-sub expire () { #{{{
+sub expire () {
foreach my $feed (values %feeds) {
next unless $feed->{expireage} || $feed->{expirecount};
my $count=0;
-} #}}}
-sub needsaggregate () { #{{{
+sub needsaggregate () {
return values %feeds if $config{rebuild};
return grep { time - $_->{lastupdate} >= $_->{updateinterval} } values %feeds;
-} #}}}
-sub aggregate (@) { #{{{
+sub aggregate (@) {
eval q{use XML::Feed};
error($@) if $@;
eval q{use URI::Fetch};
error($@) if $@;
foreach my $feed (@_) {
- $feed->{lastupdate}=time;
+ $feed->{lasttry}=time;
$feed->{message}=sprintf(gettext("last checked %s"),
- displaytime($feed->{lastupdate}));
+ displaytime($feed->{lasttry}));
debug(sprintf(gettext("checking feed %s ..."), $feed->{name}));
+ # lastupdate is only set if we were able to contact the server
+ $feed->{lastupdate}=$feed->{lasttry};
if ($res->status == URI::Fetch::URI_GONE()) {
$feed->{message}=gettext("feed not found");
-} #}}}
-sub add_page (@) { #{{{
+sub add_page (@) {
my %params=@_;
my $feed=$params{feed};
# Dummy value for expiry code.
-} #}}}
-sub wikiescape ($) { #{{{
+sub wikiescape ($) {
# escape accidental wikilinks and preprocessor stuff
return encode_entities(shift, '\[\]');
-} #}}}
-sub urlabs ($$) { #{{{
+sub urlabs ($$) {
my $url=shift;
my $urlbase=shift;
URI->new_abs($url, $urlbase)->as_string;
-} #}}}
-sub htmlabs ($$) { #{{{
+sub htmlabs ($$) {
# Convert links in html from relative to absolute.
# Note that this is a heuristic, which is not specified by the rss
# spec and may not be right for all feeds. Also, see Debian
return $ret;
-} #}}}
-sub htmlfn ($) { #{{{
+sub htmlfn ($) {
return shift().".".($config{aggregateinternal} ? "_aggregated" : $config{htmlext});
-} #}}}
my $aggregatelock;
-sub lockaggregate () { #{{{
+sub lockaggregate () {
# Take an exclusive lock to prevent multiple concurrent aggregators.
# Returns true if the lock was aquired.
if (! -d $config{wikistatedir}) {
return 0;
return 1;
-} #}}}
-sub unlockaggregate () { #{{{
+sub unlockaggregate () {
return close($aggregatelock) if $aggregatelock;
-} #}}}