+ return 0;
+sub render_backlinks ($) {
+ my $backlinkchanged=shift;
+ foreach my $link (keys %$backlinkchanged) {
+ my $linkfile=$pagesources{$link};
+ if (defined $linkfile) {
+ render($linkfile, sprintf(gettext("building %s, to update its backlinks"), $linkfile));
+ }
+ }
+sub gen_autofile ($$$) {
+ my $autofile=shift;
+ my $pages=shift;
+ my $del=shift;
+ if (file_pruned($autofile)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($file)="$config{srcdir}/$autofile" =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/; # untaint
+ if (! defined $file) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Remember autofiles that were tried, and never try them again later.
+ if (exists $wikistate{$autofiles{$autofile}{plugin}}{autofile}{$autofile}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $wikistate{$autofiles{$autofile}{plugin}}{autofile}{$autofile}=1;
+ if (srcfile($autofile, 1) || file_pruned($autofile)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (-l $file || -d _ || -e _) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $page = pagename($file);
+ if ($pages->{$page}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (grep { $_ eq $autofile } @$del) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $autofiles{$autofile}{generator}->();
+ $pages->{$page}=1;
+ return 1;
+sub refresh () {
+ srcdir_check();
+ run_hooks(refresh => sub { shift->() });
+ my ($files, $pages)=find_src_files();
+ my ($new, $internal_new)=find_new_files($files);
+ my ($del, $internal_del)=find_del_files($pages);
+ my ($changed, $internal_changed)=find_changed($files);
+ run_hooks(needsbuild => sub {
+ my $ret=shift->($changed, [@$del, @$internal_del]);
+ $changed=$ret if ref $ret eq 'ARRAY';
+ });
+ my $oldlink_targets=calculate_old_links($changed, $del);
+ foreach my $file (@$changed) {
+ scan($file);
+ }
+ foreach my $autofile (keys %autofiles) {
+ if (gen_autofile($autofile, $pages, $del)) {
+ push @{$files}, $autofile;
+ push @{$new}, $autofile if find_new_files([$autofile]);
+ push @{$changed}, $autofile if find_changed([$autofile]);
+ scan($autofile);
+ }
+ }
+ calculate_links();
+ remove_del(@$del, @$internal_del);
+ foreach my $file (@$changed) {
+ render($file, sprintf(gettext("building %s"), $file));
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@$internal_new, @$internal_del, @$internal_changed) {
+ derender_internal($file);
+ }
+ run_hooks(build_affected => sub {
+ my %affected = shift->();
+ while (my ($page, $message) = each %affected) {
+ next unless exists $pagesources{$page};
+ render($pagesources{$page}, $message);
+ }
+ });
+ my ($backlinkchanged, $linkchangers)=calculate_changed_links($changed,
+ $del, $oldlink_targets);
+ foreach my $file (@$new, @$del) {
+ render_linkers($file);
+ }
+ if (@$changed || @$internal_changed ||
+ @$del || @$internal_del || @$internal_new) {
+ 1 while render_dependent($files, $new, $internal_new,
+ $del, $internal_del, $internal_changed,
+ $linkchangers);
+ }
+ render_backlinks($backlinkchanged);
+ remove_unrendered();
+ if (@$del || @$internal_del) {
+ run_hooks(delete => sub { shift->(@$del, @$internal_del) });
+ }
+ if (%rendered) {
+ run_hooks(rendered => sub { shift->(keys %rendered) });
+ run_hooks(change => sub { shift->(keys %rendered) }); # back-compat
+ }
+ my %all_changed = map { $_ => 1 }
+ @$new, @$changed, @$del,
+ @$internal_new, @$internal_changed, @$internal_del;
+ run_hooks(changes => sub { shift->(keys %all_changed) });
+sub clean_rendered {
+ lockwiki();
+ loadindex();
+ remove_unrendered();
+ foreach my $page (keys %oldrenderedfiles) {
+ foreach my $file (@{$oldrenderedfiles{$page}}) {
+ prune($config{destdir}."/".$file);
+ }
+ }
+sub commandline_render () {
+ lockwiki();
+ loadindex();
+ unlockwiki();
+ my $srcfile=possibly_foolish_untaint($config{render});
+ my $file=$srcfile;
+ $file=~s/\Q$config{srcdir}\E\/?//;
+ my $type=pagetype($file);
+ die sprintf(gettext("ikiwiki: cannot build %s"), $srcfile)."\n" unless defined $type;
+ my $content=readfile($srcfile);
+ my $page=pagename($file);
+ $pagesources{$page}=$file;
+ $content=filter($page, $page, $content);
+ $content=preprocess($page, $page, $content);
+ $content=linkify($page, $page, $content);
+ $content=htmlize($page, $page, $type, $content);
+ $pagemtime{$page}=(stat($srcfile))[9];
+ $pagectime{$page}=$pagemtime{$page} if ! exists $pagectime{$page};
+ print genpage($page, $content);
+ exit 0;