WikiLinks can be entered in any case you like, the page they link to is
always lowercased.
-While a WikiLink is limited to alphanumerics and only a few special
-charaters, it is possible to create page names containing other characters:
-* To display a page name with a space in it, use "_" in the WikiLink, for
- example, [[Multi_Word_Page_Name]].
-* For any other special character, you can use "__nnnn__" where `nnnn` is the
- unicode character number. For example,
- [[This_page_name_is__44___uselessly__44___a_complete_sentence__46__]]
- Limiting use of this to when you really need it is a good idea.
Note that if the file linked to by a WikiLink looks like an image, it will
be displayed inline on the page.
+It's also possible to write a WikiLink that uses something other than the
+page name as the link text. For example "\[[foo|SandBox]]" links to the
+SandBox page, but the link will appear like this: [[foo|SandBox]]