-# Standard ikiwiki setup module.
-# Parameters to import should be all the standard ikiwiki config stuff,
-# plus an array of wrappers to set up.
+package IkiWiki::Setup::Standard;
use warnings;
use strict;
-use IkiWiki::Wrapper;
-use IkiWiki::Render;
-package IkiWiki::Setup::Standard;
+use IkiWiki;
+# Parameters to import should be all the standard ikiwiki config, in a hash.
sub import {
- IkiWiki::setup_standard(@_);
+ IkiWiki::Setup::merge($_[1]);
-package IkiWiki;
-sub setup_standard {
- my %setup=%{$_[1]};
+sub gendump ($@) {
+ my $class=shift;
- $setup{plugin}=$config{plugin};
- if (exists $setup{add_plugins}) {
- push @{$setup{plugin}}, @{$setup{add_plugins}};
- delete $setup{add_plugins};
- }
- if (exists $setup{disable_plugins}) {
- foreach my $plugin (@{$setup{disable_plugins}}) {
- $setup{plugin}=[grep { $_ ne $plugin } @{$setup{plugin}}];
- }
- delete $setup{disable_plugins};
- }
- if (exists $setup{exclude}) {
- $config{wiki_file_prune_regexp}=qr/$config{wiki_file_prune_regexp}|$setup{exclude}/;
- }
+ my $thisperl = eval q{use Config; $Config{perlpath}};
+ error($@) if $@;
- debug("generating wrappers..");
- my @wrappers=@{$setup{wrappers}};
- delete $setup{wrappers};
- my %startconfig=(%config);
- foreach my $wrapper (@wrappers) {
- %config=(%startconfig, verbose => 0, %setup, %{$wrapper});
- checkconfig();
- gen_wrapper();
- }
- %config=(%startconfig);
+ "#!$thisperl",
+ "#",
+ (map { "# $_" } @_),
+ "use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {",
+ IkiWiki::Setup::commented_dump(\&dumpline, "\t"),
+ "}"
+sub dumpline ($$$$) {
+ my $key=shift;
+ my $value=shift;
+ my $type=shift;
+ my $prefix=shift;
- foreach my $c (keys %setup) {
- if (defined $setup{$c}) {
- if (! ref $setup{$c}) {
- $config{$c}=possibly_foolish_untaint($setup{$c});
- }
- elsif (ref $setup{$c} eq 'ARRAY') {
- $config{$c}=[map { possibly_foolish_untaint($_) } @{$setup{$c}}]
- }
- }
- else {
- $config{$c}=undef;
- }
+ eval q{use Data::Dumper};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ no warnings 'once';
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Pad="\t";
+ local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys=0;
+ # only the perl version preserves utf-8 in output
+ local $Data::Dumper::Useperl=1;
+ use warnings;
+ my $dumpedvalue;
+ if (($type eq 'boolean' || $type eq 'integer') && $value=~/^[0-9]+$/) {
+ # avoid quotes
+ $dumpedvalue=$value;
- if (! $config{refresh}) {
- $config{rebuild}=1;
- debug("rebuilding wiki..");
+ elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY' && @$value && ! grep { /[^\S]/ } @$value) {
+ # dump simple array as qw{}
+ $dumpedvalue="[qw{".join(" ", @$value)."}]";
else {
- debug("refreshing wiki..");
+ $dumpedvalue=Dumper($value);
+ chomp $dumpedvalue;
+ if (length $prefix) {
+ # add to second and subsequent lines
+ my @lines=split(/\n/, $dumpedvalue);
+ $dumpedvalue="";
+ for (my $x=0; $x <= $#lines; $x++) {
+ $lines[$x] =~ s/^\t//;
+ $dumpedvalue.="\t".($x ? $prefix : "").$lines[$x]."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $dumpedvalue=~s/^\t//;
+ chomp $dumpedvalue;
- loadplugins();
- checkconfig();
- lockwiki();
- loadindex();
- refresh();
- debug("done");
- saveindex();
+ return "\t$prefix$key => $dumpedvalue,";