+ What will normally be displayed is everything following the second line of dashes. That will be htmlized using the page-type of the page-file.
+3. user-defined delimiter
+ Instead of using the default "---" delimiter, the user can define,
+ in the configuration file, the **ymlfront_delim** value, which is an
+ array containing two strings. The first string defines the markup for
+ the start of the YAML data, and the second string defines the markip
+ for the end of the YAML data. These two strings can be the same, or
+ they can be different. In this case, the YAML data section is not
+ required to be at the start of the page, but as with the default, it
+ is expected that only one data section will be on the page.
+ For example:
+ --YAML--
+ title: Foo does not work
+ Urgency: High
+ Status: Assigned
+ AssignedTo: Fred Nurk
+ Version: 1.2.3
+ --YAML--
+ When running on the Sprongle system, the Foo function returns incorrect data.
+ What will normally be displayed is everything outside the delimiters,
+ both before and after. That will be htmlized using the page-type of the page-file.