if ($@) {
- $feed->{message}=gettext("feed crashed XML::Feed!")." ($@)";
+ # gettext can clobber $@
+ my $error = $@;
+ $feed->{message}=gettext("feed crashed XML::Feed!")." ($error)";
# XML::Feed doesn't work around XML::Atom's bizarre
# API, so we will. Real unicode strings? Yes please.
# See [[bugs/Aggregated_Atom_feeds_are_double-encoded]]
+ no warnings 'once';
local $XML::Atom::ForceUnicode = 1;
+ use warnings;
my $c=$entry->content;
# atom feeds may have no content, only a summary
$template=template($feed->{template}, blind_cache => 1);
if ($@) {
- print STDERR gettext("failed to process template:")." $@";
+ # gettext can clobber $@
+ my $error = $@;
+ print STDERR gettext("failed to process template:")." $error";
$template->param(title => $params{title})