+I figured out a quick hack to make HTML::Scrubber case-sensitive by
+making the underlying HTML::Parser case-sensitive:
+ $_scrubber->{_p}->case_sensitive(1);
+So now I've got a version of [htmlscrubber.pm][] ([diff][])
+which allows safe SVG and MathML elements and attributes (but no
+styles—do we need them?). I'd be thrilled to see this
+in the trunk if other people think it's useful.
+--[[JasonBlevins]], March 24, 2008 14:56 EDT
+[diff]: http://xbeta.org/gitweb/?p=xbeta/ikiwiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=IkiWiki/Plugin/htmlscrubber.pm;h=3c0ddc8f25bd8cb863634a9d54b40e299e60f7df;hp=3bdaccea119ec0e1b289a0da2f6d90e2219b8d66;hb=fe333c8e5b4a5f374a059596ee698dacd755182d;hpb=be0b4f603f918444b906e42825908ddac78b7073