* [[nb instrument|http://nb-instrument.com]] a workshop for beautifully handcrafted musical instruments, located in Hamburg, Germany (also one of our rather complex builds using ikiwiki only, providing CGI access for the customer)
* [[coido architects|http://coido.de]] architectural company, located in Hamburg, Germany and Rotterdam, Netherlands (also rather complex build adding masonry and gallery scripts and some pjaxing to the picture, providing CGI access for the customer)
* [[guppy|http://guppy.branchable.com/index.en.html]] an internationalized modular Python IRC bot
+* [[ChessWOB|https://www.chesswob.org]] Chess Without Boundaries
Personal sites and blogs
* [re:fi.64's personal wiki](https://wiki.refi64.com/)
* [canvon's blog](https://blog.canvon.de/)
* [Coyote Works](http://coyote.works/) - Work In Progress site of Stephen Michael Kellat
+* [cat.chessmuse.com](https://cat.chessmuse.com) - alip's chess blog