building album02/imgC, its previous or next page has changed
building album03/imgE, its previous or next page has changed
building album02/imgC, its previous or next page has changed
building album03/imgE, its previous or next page has changed
-Perhaps there is something in my setup that triggers this problem? If anyone has an ikiwiki album installation where ``--refresh`` limits the scope of the rebuild to just one album I'd be interested to hear. See <> for an live website that has this problem. I've tested a simpler debug site without any customization as well.
+Perhaps there is something in my setup that triggers this problem? If anyone has an ikiwiki album installation where ``--refresh`` limits the scope of the rebuild to just one album I'd be interested to hear. See <> for an live website that has this problem. I've tested a simpler debug site without any customization as well. --[[kjs]]