-[[!template id=test45 text="""Here is the text to insert into my note."""]]
+Nope my friend.
[[!meta date="Thu Jun 16 22:04:33 2005" updated="Thu Dec 22 01:23:20 2011"]]
CamelCase ?
+[[!tag sandbox]]
What about [[this page]], nono better [[that page]]?
hello world (right back at ya)
pre formated text?
+testing markdown
+# one
+- foo
+## two
+- bar
+- blah
+ - more blah
+## bir
+- bir
+## iki
+- iki
+* yildiz
+** cyildiz
+- tire
+-- ctire
+* *i dene*
+* **b dene**
+1. number
+2. list
+ a. ick
+ b. bar
+| table | here |
+| test adfasdfasdfa | 2 |
+| subtest | adfad|
+ok no formating.
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the first level of quoting.