>> "missing page". it seems that bestlink can't handle utf8 encoded texts. (the
>> same happens, by the way, when using meta-redir to a page with high bytes in
>> the name.)
+>>> The problem is that all cgi inputs have to be explicitly decoded to
+>>> utf-8, which I've now done for `recentchange_link`.
+>>>> thanks a lot, i think that closed the bug.
+>>> I cannot, however, reproduce a problem with meta redir. Here it
+>>> generated the following html, which redirected the browser ok:
+>>> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=./../â/" />
+>>>> sorry, my fault -- it was the blank which needed to be replaced by an
+>>>> underscore, not the high byte character
+>> update: i've had a look at the git options; you could run git with '-z' (NUL
+>> termination) in the `git_commit_info` function; this would require some
+>> changes in `parse_diff_tree`, but otherwise completely eliminate the
+>> problems with git escaping.
->> --[[chrysn]]
+>>> If you would like to develop a patch to that effect, I'd be glad to
+>>> drop the current nasty code.
+>>>> i'll have a look, but i'm afraid that's above my current perl skills.
+>>>> --[[chrysn]]