+# Used by ikiwiki-transition aggregateinternal.
+sub migrate_to_internal {
+ if (! lockaggregate()) {
+ error("an aggregation process is currently running");
+ }
+ IkiWiki::lockwiki();
+ loadstate();
+ $config{verbose}=1;
+ foreach my $data (values %guids) {
+ next unless $data->{page};
+ next if $data->{expired};
+ $config{aggregateinternal} = 0;
+ my $oldname = "$config{srcdir}/".htmlfn($data->{page});
+ if (! -e $oldname) {
+ $oldname = $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($data->{page});
+ }
+ my $oldoutput = $config{destdir}."/".IkiWiki::htmlpage($data->{page});
+ $config{aggregateinternal} = 1;
+ my $newname = $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir."/".htmlfn($data->{page});
+ debug "moving $oldname -> $newname";
+ if (-e $newname) {
+ if (-e $oldname) {
+ error("$newname already exists");
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("already renamed to $newname?");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (-e $oldname) {
+ rename($oldname, $newname) || error("$!");
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("$oldname not found");
+ }
+ if (-e $oldoutput) {
+ require IkiWiki::Render;
+ debug("removing output file $oldoutput");
+ IkiWiki::prune($oldoutput, $config{destdir});
+ }
+ }
+ savestate();
+ IkiWiki::unlockwiki;
+ unlockaggregate();
+sub needsbuild (@) {
+ my $needsbuild=shift;
+ loadstate();
+ foreach my $feed (values %feeds) {
+ if (exists $pagesources{$feed->{sourcepage}} &&
+ grep { $_ eq $pagesources{$feed->{sourcepage}} } @$needsbuild) {
+ # Mark all feeds originating on this page as
+ # not yet seen; preprocess will unmark those that
+ # still exist.
+ markunseen($feed->{sourcepage});
+ }
+ }