> > The reason is that I'm not logged in on the web server regularly to
> > check the log files. I'll see whether I can install a logwatch instance.
+I'm trying to install from scratch on a CentOS 4.6 system. I installed perl 5.8.8 from source and then added all the required modules via CPAN. When I build ikiwiki from the tarball, I get this message:
+ rendering todo/calendar_--_archive_browsing_via_a_calendar_frontend.mdwn
+ *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0922e478 ***
+ make: *** [extra_build] Aborted
+I'm kind of at a loss how to track this down or work around it. Any suggestions? --Monty
+> All I can tell you is that it looks like a problem with your C library or
+> perl. Little perl programs like ikiwiki should only be able to trigger
+> such bugs, not contain them. :-) Sorry I can't be of more help.
+> --[[Joey]]
+> I had a similar problem after upgrading to the latest version of
+> Text::Markdown from CPAN. You might try either looking for a Markdown
+> package for CentOS or using the latest version of John Gruber's
+> Markdown.pl:
+> <http://daringfireball.net/projects/downloads/Markdown_1.0.2b8.tbz>
+> --[[JasonBlevins]], April 1, 2008 18:22 EDT
+# Installation of selected docs (html)
+The latest release has around 560 files (over 2MB) in html.
+Any suggestions or ideas on limiting what html is installed?
+For example, I don't see value in every ikiwiki install out there to also install personal "users" ikiwiki pages.
+For now I copy ikiwiki.setup. And then use pax with -L switch to copy the targets of the symlinks of the basewiki.
+I was thinking of making a list of desired documents from the html directory to install.
+> You don't need any of them, unless you want to read ikiwiki's docs locally.
+> I don't understand why you're installing the basewiki files manually;
+> ikiwiki has a Makefile that will do this for you. --[[Joey]]
+>> The Makefile's install doesn't do what I want so I use different installer for it.
+>> It assumes wrong location for man pages for me. (And it should consider using INSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR and
+>> MAN1EXT but I don't know about section 8 since I don't know of perl value for that.)
+>> I don't want w3m cgi installed; it is optional for my package.
+>> I will just patch for that instead of using my own installer.
+>> Note: I am working on the pkgsrc package build specification for this. This is for creating
+>> packages for NetBSD, DragonFly and other systems that use pkgsrc package system.
+>> --JeremyReed
+# Installation as non-root user
+I'd like to install ikiwiki as a non-root user. I can plow through getting all the
+perl dependencies installed because that's well documented in the perl world,
+but I don't know how to tell ikiwiki to install somewhere other than / --BrianWilson
+> Checkout the tips section for [SharedHosting](tips/SharedHosting). It should do the trick. --MattReynolds
# Upgrade steps
>> Not using apache. Nothing useful in logs other thn the HTTP return codes are "0" and bytes is "-"
>> on the empty ikiwiki.cgi output (should say " 200 " followed by bytes).
+>>> You need to either figure out what your web server does with stderr
+>>> from cgi programs, or run ikiwiki.cgi at the command line with an
+>>> appropriate environment so it thinks it's being called from a web
+>>> server, so you can see how it's failing. --[[Joey]]
(I am posting this now, but will do some research and post some more.)
Is there any webpage with upgrade steps?
>> Also it appears to be missing the news from between 1.40 to 2.0 unless they dont' exist.
>> If they do exist maybe they have release notes I need?
+>>> All the old ones are in the NEWS file. --[[Joey]]
My followup: I used a new ikiwiki.setup based on the latest version. But no changes for me.
+I am back. On a different system, I installed ikiwiki 2.6.1. Same problem -- blank CGI webpage.
+So I manually ran with:
+ REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='do=create&page=jcr' kiwiki.cgi
+And clearly saw the error:
+ [IkiWiki::main] Fatal: Bad template engine CGI::FormBuilder::Template::div: Can't locate CGI/FormBuilder/Template/div.pm
+So I found my version was too old and 3.05 is the first to provide "Div" support. I upgraded my p5-CGI-FormBuilder to 3.0501.
+And ikiwiki CGI started working for me.
+The Ikiwiki docs about this requirement got removed in Revision 4367. There should be a page that lists the requirements.
+(I guess I could have used the debian/control file.)
+> There is a page, [[install]] documents that 3.05 is needed.
+>> Sorry, I missed that. With hundreds of wikipages it is hard to read all of them.
+>> I am updating the download page now to link to it.
+I am now using ikiwiki 2.6.1 on my testing system.
# Excellent - how do I translate a TWiki site?
>> Thanks for an excellent Xmas present, I will appreciate the additional
>> users this will help switch to ikiwiki! --[[Joey]]
+>> Sounds great indeed. Learning from [here](http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/AboutTheTWikiToIkiwikiConversion/) that HTML::WikiConverter needed for your conversion was not up-to-date on Debian I have now done an unofficial package, including your proposed Markdown patches, apt-get'able at <pre>deb http://debian.jones.dk/ sid wikitools</pre>
+>> -- [[JonasSmedegaard]]
+>>I see the "We will post the scripts ...." was committed about a year ago. A current site search for "Moin" does not turn them up. Any chance of an appearance in the near (end of year) future?
+>> -- [[MichaelRasmussen]]
# LaTeX support?
-# User database tools?
-Any tool to view user database?
-Any tool to edit the user database?
-> No, but it's fairly easy to write such tools in perl. For example, to
-> list all users in the user database:
- joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki>perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); print $_ foreach keys %$userinfo'
- http://joey.kitenet.net/
- foo
-> To list each user's email address:
- joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki>perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); print $userinfo->{$_}->{email} foreach keys %$userinfo'
- joey@kitenet.net
-> Editing is simply a matter of changing values and calling Storable::store().
-> I've not written actual utilities to do this yet because I've only needed
-> to do it rarely, and the data I've wanted has been different each time.
-> --[[Joey]]
# Spaces in WikiLinks?
Hello Joey,
My best regards,
> See [[bugs/Spaces_in_link_text_for_ikiwiki_links]]
> away without running the post-commit wrapper on commit, and all you lose
> is the ability to send commit notification emails.
+> (And now that [[recentchanges]] includes rss, you can just subscribe to
+> that, no need to worry about commit notification emails anymore.)
* Is it possible / sensible to have ikiwiki share a subversion repository with other data (either completely unrelated files or another ikiwiki instance)? This works in part but again the post-commit hook seems problematic.
> in the same repo. If you have two wikis in one repository, you will need
> to write a post-commit script that calls the post-commit wrappers for each
> wiki.
+# Regex for Valid Characters in Filenames
+I'm sure that this is documented somewhere but I've ransacked the wiki and I can't find it. :-( What are the allowed characters in an ikiwiki page name? I'm writing a simple script to make updating my blog easier and need to filter invalid characters (so far I've found that # and , aren't allowed ;-)). Thanks for any pointers. -- [[AdamShand]]
+> The default `wiki_file_regexp` matches filenames containing only
+> `[-[:alnum:]_.:/+]`
+> The IkiWiki::titlepage() function will convert freeform text to a valid
+> page name. See [[todo/should_use_a_standard_encoding_for_utf_chars_in_filenames]]
+> for an example. --[[Joey]]
+>> Perfect, thanks!
+>> In the end I decided that I didn't need any special characters in filenames and replaced everything but alphanumeric characters with underscores. In addition to replacing bad characters I also collapse multiple underscores into a single one, and strip off trailing and leading underscores to make tidy filenames. If it's useful to anybody else here's a sed example:
+>> # echo "++ Bad: ~@#$%^&*()_=}{[];,? Iki: +_-:./ Num: 65.5 ++" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g' -e 's/__*/_/g' -e 's/^_//g' -e 's/_$//g'
+>> Bad_Iki_Num_65_5
+# Upgrade steps from RecentChanges CGI to static page?
+Where are the upgrade steps for RecentChanges change from CGI to static feed?
+I run multiple ikiwiki-powered sites on multiple servers, but today I just upgraded one to 2.32.3.
+Please have a look at
+Any suggestions?
+> There are no upgrade steps required. It does look like you need to enable
+> the meta plugin to get a good recentchanges page though.. --[[Joey]]