use Monotone;
use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
use Date::Format qw(time2str);
+use URI::Escape q{uri_escape_utf8};
my $sha1_pattern = qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/; # pattern to validate sha1sums
+my $mtn_version = undef;
sub import {
hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "monotone", call => \&checkconfig);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_recentchanges", call => \&rcs_recentchanges);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_diff", call => \&rcs_diff);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_getctime", call => \&rcs_getctime);
+ hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_getmtime", call => \&rcs_getmtime);
sub checkconfig () {
exec("mtn", "version") || error("mtn version failed to run");
- my $version=undef;
while (<MTN>) {
- if (/^monotone (\d+\.\d+) /) {
- $version=$1;
+ if (/^monotone (\d+\.\d+)(?:(?:\.\d+){0,2}|dev)? /) {
+ $mtn_version=$1;
close MTN || debug("mtn version exited $?");
- if (!defined($version)) {
+ if (!defined($mtn_version)) {
error("Cannot determine monotone version");
- if ($version < 0.38) {
- error("Monotone version too old, is $version but required 0.38");
+ if ($mtn_version < 0.38) {
+ error("Monotone version too old, is $mtn_version but required 0.38");
if (defined $config{mtn_wrapper} && length $config{mtn_wrapper}) {
plugin => {
safe => 0, # rcs plugin
rebuild => undef,
+ section => "rcs",
mtn_wrapper => {
type => "string",
my @ret;
my $line = $results[0];
- while ($line =~ m/\s+key\s"(.*?)"\nsignature\s"(ok|bad|unknown)"\n\s+name\s"(.*?)"\n\s+value\s"(.*?)"\n\s+trust\s"(trusted|untrusted)"\n/sg) {
+ while ($line =~ m/\s+key\s["\[](.*?)[\]"]\nsignature\s"(ok|bad|unknown)"\n\s+name\s"(.*?)"\n\s+value\s"(.*?)"\n\s+trust\s"(trusted|untrusted)"\n/sg) {
push @ret, {
key => $1,
signature => $2,
my @ret;
my %seen = ();
+ # we need to strip off the relative path to the source dir
+ # because monotone outputs all file paths absolute according
+ # to the workspace root
+ my $rel_src_dir = $config{'srcdir'};
+ $rel_src_dir =~ s/^\Q$config{'mtnrootdir'}\E\/?//;
+ $rel_src_dir .= "/" if length $rel_src_dir;
while ($changes =~ m/\s*(add_file|patch|delete|rename)\s"(.*?)(?<!\\)"\n/sg) {
my $file = $2;
+ # ignore all file changes outside the source dir
+ next unless $file =~ m/^\Q$rel_src_dir\E/;
+ $file =~ s/^\Q$rel_src_dir\E//;
# don't add the same file multiple times
if (! $seen{$file}) {
push @ret, $file;
return get_rev();
-sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) {
+sub commitauthor (@) {
+ my %params=@_;
+ if (defined $params{session}) {
+ if (defined $params{session}->param("name")) {
+ return "Web user: " . IkiWiki::cloak($params{session}->param("name"));
+ }
+ elsif (defined $params{session}->remote_addr()) {
+ return "Web IP: " . IkiWiki::cloak($params{session}->remote_addr());
+ }
+ }
+ return "Web: Anonymous";
+sub rcs_commit (@) {
# Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and
# a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure.
# The file is relative to the srcdir.
- my $file=shift;
- my $message=shift;
- my $rcstoken=shift;
- my $user=shift;
- my $ipaddr=shift;
- my $author;
+ my %params=@_;
- if (defined $user) {
- $author="Web user: " . $user;
- }
- elsif (defined $ipaddr) {
- $author="Web IP: " . $ipaddr;
- }
- else {
- $author="Web: Anonymous";
- }
+ my $author=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(commitauthor(%params)),
chdir $config{srcdir}
or error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!");
- my ($oldrev)= $rcstoken=~ m/^($sha1_pattern)$/; # untaint
+ my ($oldrev) = $params{token} =~ m/^($sha1_pattern)$/; # untaint
my $rev = get_rev();
if (defined $rev && defined $oldrev && $rev ne $oldrev) {
my $automator = Monotone->new();
# Something has been committed, has this file changed?
my ($out, $err);
$automator->setOpts("r", $oldrev, "r", $rev);
- ($out, $err) = $automator->call("content_diff", $file);
- debug("Problem committing $file") if ($err ne "");
+ ($out, $err) = $automator->call("content_diff", $params{file});
+ debug("Problem committing $params{file}") if ($err ne "");
my $diff = $out;
if ($diff) {
# first get the contents
debug("File changed: forming branch");
- my $newfile=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ my $newfile=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$params{file}");
# then get the old content ID from the diff
- if ($diff !~ m/^---\s$file\s+($sha1_pattern)$/m) {
- error("Unable to find previous file ID for $file");
+ if ($diff !~ m/^---\s$params{file}\s+($sha1_pattern)$/m) {
+ error("Unable to find previous file ID for $params{file}");
my $oldFileID = $1;
my $branch = $1;
# then put the new content into the DB (and record the new content ID)
- my $newRevID = commit_file_to_new_rev($automator, $file, $oldFileID, $newfile, $oldrev, $branch, $author, $message);
+ my $newRevID = commit_file_to_new_rev($automator, $params{file}, $oldFileID, $newfile, $oldrev, $branch, $author, $params{message});
# if we made it to here then the file has been committed... revert the local copy
- if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert", $file) != 0) {
- debug("Unable to revert $file after merge on conflicted commit!");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert", $params{file}) != 0) {
+ debug("Unable to revert $params{file} after merge on conflicted commit!");
debug("Divergence created! Attempting auto-merge.");
# for cleanup note, this relies on the fact
# that ikiwiki seems to call rcs_prepedit()
# again after we return
- return readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ return readfile("$config{srcdir}/$params{file}");
return undef;
if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "commit", "--quiet",
"--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey}, "-m",
- IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($message), $file) != 0) {
+ IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($params{message}),
+ $params{file}) != 0) {
debug("Traditional commit failed! Returning data as conflict.");
- my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$params{file}");
if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert",
- "--quiet", $file) != 0) {
+ "--quiet", $params{file}) != 0) {
debug("monotone revert failed");
return $conflict;
return undef # success
-sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+sub rcs_commit_staged (@) {
# Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
# rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
- my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ my %params=@_;
# Note - this will also commit any spurious changes that happen to be
# lying around in the working copy. There shouldn't be any, but...
chdir $config{srcdir}
or error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!");
- my $author;
- if (defined $user) {
- $author="Web user: " . $user;
- }
- elsif (defined $ipaddr) {
- $author="Web IP: " . $ipaddr;
- }
- else {
- $author="Web: Anonymous";
- }
if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "commit", "--quiet",
- "--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey}, "-m",
- IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($message)) != 0) {
+ "--author", IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(commitauthor(%params)),
+ "--key", $config{mtnkey}, "-m",
+ IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($params{message})) != 0) {
error("Monotone commit failed");
# from the changelog
if ($cert->{key} eq $config{mtnkey}) {
$committype = "web";
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
$committype = "mtn";
} elsif ($cert->{name} eq "date") {
my $diffurl=$config{diffurl};
- $diffurl=~s/\[\[file\]\]/$file/g;
+ my $efile = uri_escape_utf8($file);
+ $diffurl=~s/\[\[file\]\]/$efile/g;
push @pages, {
page => pagename($file),
diffurl => $diffurl,
return @ret;
-sub rcs_diff ($) {
+sub rcs_diff ($;$) {
my $rev=shift;
+ my $maxlines=shift;
my ($sha1) = $rev =~ /^($sha1_pattern)$/; # untaint
chdir $config{srcdir}
exec("mtn", "diff", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "-r", "p:".$sha1, "-r", $sha1) || error("mtn diff $sha1 failed to run");
- my (@lines) = <MTNDIFF>;
+ my @lines;
+ while (my $line=<MTNDIFF>) {
+ last if defined $maxlines && @lines == $maxlines;
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
close MTNDIFF || debug("mtn diff $sha1 exited $?");
"--brief", $file) || error("mtn log $file failed to run");
+ my $prevRev;
my $firstRev;
while (<MTNLOG>) {
if (/^($sha1_pattern)/) {
+ $prevRev=$firstRev;
my $automator = Monotone->new();
$automator->open(undef, $config{mtnrootdir});
+ # mtn 0.48 has a bug that makes it list the creation of parent
+ # directories as last (first) log entry... So when we're dealing
+ # with that version, let's check that the file we're looking for
+ # is actually part of the last (first) revision. Otherwise, pick
+ # the one before (after) that one.
+ if ($mtn_version == 0.48) {
+ my $changes = [get_changed_files($automator, $firstRev)];
+ if (! exists {map { $_ => 1 } @$changes}->{$file}) {
+ $firstRev = $prevRev;
+ }
+ }
my $certs = [read_certs($automator, $firstRev)];
return $date;
+sub rcs_getmtime ($) {
+ my $file=shift;
+ chdir $config{srcdir}
+ or error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!");
+ my $child = open(MTNLOG, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ exec("mtn", "log", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "--no-graph",
+ "--brief", $file) || error("mtn log $file failed to run");
+ }
+ my $lastRev = "";
+ while (<MTNLOG>) {
+ if (/^($sha1_pattern)/ && $lastRev eq "") {
+ $lastRev=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ close MTNLOG || debug("mtn log $file exited $?");
+ if (! defined $lastRev) {
+ debug "failed to parse mtn log for $file";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $automator = Monotone->new();
+ $automator->open(undef, $config{mtnrootdir});
+ my $certs = [read_certs($automator, $lastRev)];
+ $automator->close();
+ my $date;
+ foreach my $cert (@$certs) {
+ if ($cert->{signature} eq "ok" && $cert->{trust} eq "trusted") {
+ if ($cert->{name} eq "date") {
+ $date = $cert->{value};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! defined $date) {
+ debug "failed to find date cert for revision $lastRev when looking for creation time of $file";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $date=str2time($date, 'UTC');
+ debug("found mtime ".localtime($date)." for $file");
+ return $date;