-- _delimiter_ (optional): Define the character used for separated the fields. By default is the vertical barr "|" in DSV format and the comma "," for the CSV format.
-- _class_ (optional): CSS class for the table html element
-- _caption_ (optional): Text string with the table caption.
-- _no\_header_: This switch disable the generation of table header elements. By default this switch is enabled, and the header cells come from the firts data line.
+- _delimiter_ (optional): The character used to separate fields. By default, DSV format uses a pipe (`|`), and CSV uses a comma (`,`).
+- _class_ (optional): CSS class for the table html element
+- _caption_ (optional): Text string for the table caption.
+- _no\_header_: This switch disables the generation of table header (`<th>`) elements. By default, the `table` directive uses the first data line as column headers.