open (IN, "doc/git.mdwn") || die "doc/git.mdwn: $!";
while (<IN>) {
- if (/^\*\s+\[?\[?(\w+)\]?\]?\s+`([^>]+)`/) {
+ if (/^\*\s+\[?\[?(\w+)(?:\|\w+)?\]?\]?\s+`([^>]+)`/) {
# note that the remote name has to be a simple word (\w)
# for security/sanity reasons
my $remote=$1;
# check configured url to deal with it changing
my $info=`git remote show -n $remote`;
my ($oldurl)=$info=~/URL: (.*)/m;
+ my $r;
if ($oldurl ne $url) {
system("git remote rm $remote 2>/dev/null");
- $error |= system("git", "remote", "add", "-f", $remote, $url);
+ $r = system("git", "remote", "add", "-f", $remote, $url)
else {
- $error |= system("git", "fetch", $remote);
+ $r = system("git", "fetch", "--no-tag", $remote);
+ if ($r != 0) {
+ print "$remote failed\n";
+ }
+ $error |= $r;
+ # drop stale tracking branches
+ system("git", "remote", "prune", $remote);
close IN;