use warnings;
use strict;
-use IkiWiki 2.00;
+use IkiWiki 3.00;
-sub import { #{{{
+sub import {
+ hook(type => "getsetup", id => "remove", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "formbuilder_setup", id => "remove", call => \&formbuilder_setup);
hook(type => "formbuilder", id => "remove", call => \&formbuilder);
hook(type => "sessioncgi", id => "remove", call => \&sessioncgi);
-} # }}}
+sub getsetup () {
+ return
+ plugin => {
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => 0,
+ section => "web",
+ },
+sub check_canremove ($$$) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ # Must be a known source file.
+ if (! exists $pagesources{$page}) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s does not exist"),
+ htmllink("", "", $page, noimageinline => 1)));
+ }
+ # Must exist on disk, and be a regular file.
+ my $file=$pagesources{$page};
+ if (! -e "$config{srcdir}/$file") {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s is not in the srcdir, so it cannot be deleted"), $file));
+ }
+ elsif (-l "$config{srcdir}/$file" && ! -f _) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("%s is not a file"), $file));
+ }
+ # If a user can't upload an attachment, don't let them delete it.
+ # This is sorta overkill, but better safe than sorry.
+ if (! defined pagetype($pagesources{$page})) {
+ if (IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment->can("check_canattach")) {
+ IkiWiki::Plugin::attachment::check_canattach($session, $page, "$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ }
+ else {
+ error("removal of attachments is not allowed");
+ }
+ }
+ my $canremove;
+ IkiWiki::run_hooks(canremove => sub {
+ return if defined $canremove;
+ my $ret=shift->(page => $page, cgi => $q, session => $session);
+ if (defined $ret) {
+ if ($ret eq "") {
+ $canremove=1;
+ }
+ elsif (ref $ret eq 'CODE') {
+ $ret->();
+ $canremove=0;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $ret) {
+ error($ret);
+ $canremove=0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
-sub formbuilder_setup (@) { #{{{
+sub formbuilder_setup (@) {
my %params=@_;
my $form=$params{form};
my $q=$params{cgi};
- if (defined $form->field("do") && $form->field("do") eq "edit") {
- push @{$params{buttons}}, "Remove";
- # TODO button for attachments
+ if (defined $form->field("do") && ($form->field("do") eq "edit" ||
+ $form->field("do") eq "create")) {
+ # Removal button for the page, and also for attachments.
+ push @{$params{buttons}}, "Remove" if $form->field("do") eq "edit";
+ $form->tmpl_param("field-remove" => '<input name="_submit" type="submit" value="Remove Attachments" />');
-} #}}}
-sub confirmation_form ($$) { #{{{
+sub confirmation_form ($$) {
my $q=shift;
my $session=shift;
eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
error($@) if $@;
- my @fields=qw(do page);
my $f = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
- title => "confirm removal",
name => "remove",
header => 0,
charset => "utf-8",
javascript => 0,
params => $q,
action => $config{cgiurl},
- stylesheet => IkiWiki::baseurl()."style.css",
- fields => \@fields,
+ stylesheet => 1,
+ fields => [qw{do page}],
+ $f->field(name => "sid", type => "hidden", value => $session->id,
+ force => 1);
$f->field(name => "do", type => "hidden", value => "remove", force => 1);
- $f->field(name => "page", label => "Will remove:", validate => sub {
- my $page=shift;
- if (! exists $pagesources{$page}) {
- $f->field(name => "page", message => gettext("page does not exist"));
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- IkiWiki::check_canedit($page, $q, $session);
- return 1;
- }
- });
return $f, ["Remove", "Cancel"];
-} #}}}
-sub formbuilder (@) { #{{{
- my %params=@_;
- my $form=$params{form};
+sub removal_confirm ($$@) {
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ my $attachment=shift;
+ my @pages=@_;
+ foreach my $page (@pages) {
+ IkiWiki::check_canedit($page, $q, $session);
+ check_canremove($page, $q, $session);
+ }
+ # Save current form state to allow returning to it later
+ # without losing any edits.
+ # (But don't save what button was submitted, to avoid
+ # looping back to here.)
+ # Note: "_submit" is CGI::FormBuilder internals.
+ $q->param(-name => "_submit", -value => "");
+ $session->param(postremove => scalar $q->Vars);
+ IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ my ($f, $buttons)=confirmation_form($q, $session);
+ $f->title(sprintf(gettext("confirm removal of %s"),
+ join(", ", map { pagetitle($_) } @pages)));
+ $f->field(name => "page", type => "hidden", value => \@pages, force => 1);
+ if (defined $attachment) {
+ $f->field(name => "attachment", type => "hidden",
+ value => $attachment, force => 1);
+ }
- if (defined $form->field("do") && $form->field("do") eq "edit" &&
- $form->submitted eq "Remove") {
- # When the remove button is pressed on the edit form,
- # save the rest of the form state and generate a small
- # remove confirmation form.
+ IkiWiki::showform($f, $buttons, $session, $q);
+ exit 0;
- # TODO save state
+sub postremove ($) {
+ my $session=shift;
+ # Load saved form state and return to edit form.
+ my $postremove=CGI->new($session->param("postremove"));
+ $session->clear("postremove");
+ IkiWiki::cgi_savesession($session);
+ IkiWiki::cgi($postremove, $session);
+sub formbuilder (@) {
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $form=$params{form};
+ if (defined $form->field("do") && ($form->field("do") eq "edit" ||
+ $form->field("do") eq "create")) {
my $q=$params{cgi};
my $session=$params{session};
- my ($f, $buttons)=confirmation_form($q, $session);
- $f->field(name => "page", value => $form->field("page"),
- force => 1);
- IkiWiki::showform($f, $buttons, $session, $q);
- exit 0;
+ if ($form->submitted eq "Remove" && $form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ removal_confirm($q, $session, 0, $form->field("page"));
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq "Remove Attachments") {
+ my @selected=map { Encode::decode_utf8($_) } $q->param("attachment_select");
+ if (! @selected) {
+ error(gettext("Please select the attachments to remove."));
+ }
+ removal_confirm($q, $session, 1, @selected);
+ }
-} #}}}
-sub sessioncgi ($$) { #{{{
+sub sessioncgi ($$) {
my $q=shift;
if ($q->param("do") eq 'remove') {
my $session=shift;
my ($form, $buttons)=confirmation_form($q, $session);
if ($form->submitted eq 'Cancel') {
- error("canceled"); # TODO load state
+ postremove($session);
elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Remove' && $form->validate) {
- error("removal not yet implemented"); # TODO
+ IkiWiki::checksessionexpiry($q, $session, $q->param('sid'));
+ my @pages=$form->field("page");
+ # Validate removal by checking that the page exists,
+ # and that the user is allowed to edit(/remove) it.
+ my @files;
+ foreach my $page (@pages) {
+ IkiWiki::check_canedit($page, $q, $session);
+ check_canremove($page, $q, $session);
+ # This untaint is safe because of the
+ # checks performed above, which verify the
+ # page is a normal file, etc.
+ push @files, IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint($pagesources{$page});
+ }
+ # Do removal, and update the wiki.
+ require IkiWiki::Render;
+ if ($config{rcs}) {
+ IkiWiki::disable_commit_hook();
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ IkiWiki::rcs_remove($file);
+ }
+ IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(
+ message => gettext("removed"),
+ session => $session,
+ );
+ IkiWiki::enable_commit_hook();
+ IkiWiki::rcs_update();
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ IkiWiki::prune("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ }
+ }
+ IkiWiki::refresh();
+ IkiWiki::saveindex();
+ if ($q->param("attachment")) {
+ # Attachments were deleted, so redirect
+ # back to the edit form.
+ postremove($session);
+ }
+ else {
+ # The page is gone, so redirect to parent
+ # of the page.
+ my $parent=IkiWiki::dirname($pages[0]);
+ if (! exists $pagesources{$parent}) {
+ $parent="index";
+ }
+ IkiWiki::redirect($q, urlto($parent, '/', 1));
+ }
else {
- IkiWiki::showform($form, $buttons, $session, $q);
- exit 0;
+ removal_confirm($q, $session, 0, $form->field("page"));
+ exit 0;