The "ikwiki.cgi?page=index&do=edit" function has a problem
-when running with [[debpkg thttpd]] or [[debpkg mini-httpd]]:
+when running with [[!debpkg thttpd]] or [[!debpkg mini-httpd]]:
for some reason the headers ikiwiki outputs are transmitted
as the page content. Surprisingly, the "do=prefs" function
works as expected.
-Ikiwiki runs fine with [[debpkg boa]].
+Ikiwiki runs fine with [[!debpkg boa]].
>> rather that create it.
>> --[[JeremieKoenig]]
+>>> If thttpd and mini-httpd interpret CGI's stderr as stdout, then
+>>> they're not properly following the CGI spec, and will break with tons
+>>> of cgi scripts besides ikiwiki. And of course there are many many cases
+>>> where ikiwiki might output to stderr, and that's the right thing to do.
+>>> So I don't see any way to address this in ikiwiki. --[[Joey]]
+>>>> (reported as [[!debbug 437927]] and [[!debbug 437932]]) --[[JeremieKoenig]]
+Marking [[done]] since it's not really an ikiwiki bug. --[[Joey]]