>Allows embedding of graphviz graphs.
>Posted Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:09:04 -0400
\ No newline at end of file
+Any objections to listing plugins alphabetically rather than by creation date? (i.e. change the inline to have sort="title".)
+-- Will
+> Well, it's been done by Josh, but I do wonder if there wasn't value to
+> being able to look at the top of the page for new plugins? --[[Joey]]
+>> I agree, which is why I brought it up here rather than just changing it.
+>> On balance I think the alphabetical list is better. You could have a
+>> "recently changed" list with the 10 most recently changed plugins
+>> at the top. That would allow what you suggested, but still allow
+>> the main list to be alphabetical. -- [[Will]]