> I've switched to a different method that preserves .ikiwiki, w/o checking
> it in. --[[Joey]]
These instructions should probably show how to use a bare Git repository
(`GIT_DIR=somewhere.git git-init-db`) rather than a repository with a full
working copy. You can always clone the repository if you want your own local
working copy. Furthermore, this allows you to make multiple commits to your
working copy before pushing them to the repository and causing the wiki to
update. --[[JoshTriplett]]
+> I'm currently testing and running such a setup. --[[tschwinge]]
+Furthermore the git instructions should be changed to move the *.ikiwiki*
+directory back into the wiki's working copy directory, isn't it? --[[tschwinge]]
+> Yes, I think so. I will clean these instructions up unless somebody tells me we're missing something fundamental. --[[BartMassey]]
+>> Either you do it or I'll do it somewhen soon. --[[tschwinge]]
+Curious as to why support for CVS is not built in. --[[Luther]]
+> See [[todo/CVS_backend|todo/CVS_backend]], but you might consider switching to a better version control system. --[[JoshTriplett]]
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