+ return 1;
+sub rcs_update () {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_update}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_prepedit}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_commit (@) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_commit_staged (@) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_commit_staged}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_add ($) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_add}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_remove ($) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_remove}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_rename ($$) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_rename}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_recentchanges}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_diff ($;$) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_diff}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_getctime ($) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_getctime}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_getmtime ($) {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_getmtime}{call}->(@_);
+sub rcs_receive () {
+ $hooks{rcs}{rcs_receive}{call}->();
+sub add_depends ($$;$) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $pagespec=shift;
+ my $deptype=shift || $DEPEND_CONTENT;
+ # Is the pagespec a simple page name?
+ if ($pagespec =~ /$config{wiki_file_regexp}/ &&
+ $pagespec !~ /[\s*?()!]/) {
+ $depends_simple{$page}{lc $pagespec} |= $deptype;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # Add explicit dependencies for influences.
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
+ return unless defined $sub;
+ foreach my $p (keys %pagesources) {
+ my $r=$sub->($p, location => $page);
+ my $i=$r->influences;
+ my $static=$r->influences_static;
+ foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
+ next unless $r || $static || $k eq $page;
+ $depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
+ }
+ last if $static;
+ }
+ $depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= $deptype;
+ return 1;
+sub deptype (@) {
+ my $deptype=0;
+ foreach my $type (@_) {
+ if ($type eq 'presence') {
+ $deptype |= $DEPEND_PRESENCE;
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'links') {
+ $deptype |= $DEPEND_LINKS;
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'content') {
+ $deptype |= $DEPEND_CONTENT;
+ }
+ }
+ return $deptype;
+my $file_prune_regexp;
+sub file_pruned ($) {
+ my $file=shift;
+ if (defined $config{include} && length $config{include}) {
+ return 0 if $file =~ m/$config{include}/;
+ }
+ if (! defined $file_prune_regexp) {
+ $file_prune_regexp='('.join('|', @{$config{wiki_file_prune_regexps}}).')';
+ $file_prune_regexp=qr/$file_prune_regexp/;
+ }
+ return $file =~ m/$file_prune_regexp/;
+sub define_gettext () {
+ # If translation is needed, redefine the gettext function to do it.
+ # Otherwise, it becomes a quick no-op.
+ my $gettext_obj;
+ my $getobj;
+ if ((exists $ENV{LANG} && length $ENV{LANG}) ||
+ (exists $ENV{LC_ALL} && length $ENV{LC_ALL}) ||
+ (exists $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} && length $ENV{LC_MESSAGES})) {
+ $getobj=sub {
+ $gettext_obj=eval q{
+ use Locale::gettext q{textdomain};
+ Locale::gettext->domain('ikiwiki')
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *gettext=sub {
+ $getobj->() if $getobj;
+ if ($gettext_obj) {
+ $gettext_obj->get(shift);
+ }
+ else {
+ return shift;
+ }
+ };
+ *ngettext=sub {
+ $getobj->() if $getobj;
+ if ($gettext_obj) {
+ $gettext_obj->nget(@_);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ($_[2] == 1 ? $_[0] : $_[1])
+ }
+ };
+sub gettext {
+ define_gettext();
+ gettext(@_);
+sub ngettext {
+ define_gettext();
+ ngettext(@_);
+sub yesno ($) {
+ my $val=shift;
+ return (defined $val && (lc($val) eq gettext("yes") || lc($val) eq "yes" || $val eq "1"));
+sub inject {
+ # Injects a new function into the symbol table to replace an
+ # exported function.
+ my %params=@_;
+ # This is deep ugly perl foo, beware.
+ no strict;
+ no warnings;
+ if (! defined $params{parent}) {
+ $params{parent}='::';
+ $params{old}=\&{$params{name}};
+ $params{name}=~s/.*:://;
+ }
+ my $parent=$params{parent};
+ foreach my $ns (grep /^\w+::/, keys %{$parent}) {
+ $ns = $params{parent} . $ns;
+ inject(%params, parent => $ns) unless $ns eq '::main::';
+ *{$ns . $params{name}} = $params{call}
+ if exists ${$ns}{$params{name}} &&
+ \&{${$ns}{$params{name}}} == $params{old};
+ }
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+sub add_link ($$;$) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $link=shift;
+ my $type=shift;
+ push @{$links{$page}}, $link
+ unless grep { $_ eq $link } @{$links{$page}};
+ if (defined $type) {
+ $typedlinks{$page}{$type}{$link} = 1;
+ }
+sub add_autofile ($$$) {
+ my $file=shift;
+ my $plugin=shift;
+ my $generator=shift;
+ $autofiles{$file}{plugin}=$plugin;
+ $autofiles{$file}{generator}=$generator;
+sub useragent () {
+ return LWP::UserAgent->new(
+ cookie_jar => $config{cookiejar},
+ env_proxy => 1, # respect proxy env vars
+ agent => $config{useragent},
+ );
+sub sortspec_translate ($$) {
+ my $spec = shift;
+ my $reverse = shift;
+ my $code = "";
+ my @data;
+ while ($spec =~ m{
+ \s*
+ (-?) # group 1: perhaps negated
+ \s*
+ ( # group 2: a word
+ \w+\([^\)]*\) # command(params)
+ |
+ [^\s]+ # or anything else
+ )
+ \s*
+ }gx) {
+ my $negated = $1;
+ my $word = $2;
+ my $params = undef;
+ if ($word =~ m/^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
+ # command with parameters
+ $params = $2;
+ $word = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($word !~ m/^\w+$/) {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("invalid sort type %s"), $word));
+ }
+ if (length $code) {
+ $code .= " || ";
+ }
+ if ($negated) {
+ $code .= "-";
+ }
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::SortSpec::{"cmp_$word"}) {
+ if (defined $params) {
+ push @data, $params;
+ $code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(\$data[$#data])";
+ }
+ else {
+ $code .= "IkiWiki::SortSpec::cmp_$word(undef)";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error(sprintf(gettext("unknown sort type %s"), $word));
+ }
+ }
+ if (! length $code) {
+ # undefined sorting method... sort arbitrarily
+ return sub { 0 };
+ }
+ if ($reverse) {
+ $code="-($code)";
+ }
+ no warnings;
+ return eval 'sub { '.$code.' }';
+sub pagespec_translate ($) {
+ my $spec=shift;
+ # Convert spec to perl code.
+ my $code="";
+ my @data;
+ while ($spec=~m{
+ \s* # ignore whitespace
+ ( # 1: match a single word
+ \! # !
+ |
+ \( # (
+ |
+ \) # )
+ |
+ \w+\([^\)]*\) # command(params)
+ |
+ [^\s()]+ # any other text
+ )
+ \s* # ignore whitespace
+ }gx) {
+ my $word=$1;
+ if (lc $word eq 'and') {
+ $code.=' &';
+ }
+ elsif (lc $word eq 'or') {
+ $code.=' |';
+ }
+ elsif ($word eq "(" || $word eq ")" || $word eq "!") {
+ $code.=' '.$word;
+ }
+ elsif ($word =~ /^(\w+)\((.*)\)$/) {
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::PageSpec::{"match_$1"}) {
+ push @data, $2;
+ $code.="IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_$1(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
+ }
+ else {
+ push @data, qq{unknown function in pagespec "$word"};
+ $code.="IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new(\$data[$#data])";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @data, $word;
+ $code.=" IkiWiki::PageSpec::match_glob(\$page, \$data[$#data], \@_)";
+ }
+ }
+ if (! length $code) {
+ $code="IkiWiki::FailReason->new('empty pagespec')";
+ }
+ no warnings;
+ return eval 'sub { my $page=shift; '.$code.' }';
+sub pagespec_match ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $spec=shift;
+ my @params=@_;
+ # Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
+ if (@params == 1) {
+ unshift @params, 'location';
+ }
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($spec);
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("syntax error in pagespec \"$spec\"")
+ if ! defined $sub;
+ return $sub->($page, @params);
+# e.g. @pages = sort_pages("title", \@pages, reverse => "yes")
+# Not exported yet, but could be in future if it is generally useful.
+# Note that this signature is not the same as IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages,
+# which is "more internal".
+sub sort_pages ($$;@) {
+ my $sort = shift;
+ my $list = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ $sort = sortspec_translate($sort, $params{reverse});
+ return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages($sort, @$list);
+sub pagespec_match_list ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $pagespec=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ # Backwards compatability with old calling convention.
+ if (ref $page) {
+ print STDERR "warning: a plugin (".caller().") is using pagespec_match_list in an obsolete way, and needs to be updated\n";
+ $params{list}=$page;
+ $page=$params{location}; # ugh!
+ }
+ my $sub=pagespec_translate($pagespec);
+ error "syntax error in pagespec \"$pagespec\""
+ if ! defined $sub;
+ my $sort=sortspec_translate($params{sort}, $params{reverse})
+ if defined $params{sort};
+ my @candidates;
+ if (exists $params{list}) {
+ @candidates=exists $params{filter}
+ ? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } @{$params{list}}
+ : @{$params{list}};
+ }
+ else {
+ @candidates=exists $params{filter}
+ ? grep { ! $params{filter}->($_) } keys %pagesources
+ : keys %pagesources;
+ }
+ # clear params, remainder is passed to pagespec
+ $depends{$page}{$pagespec} |= ($params{deptype} || $DEPEND_CONTENT);
+ my $num=$params{num};
+ delete @params{qw{num deptype reverse sort filter list}};
+ # when only the top matches will be returned, it's efficient to
+ # sort before matching to pagespec,
+ if (defined $num && defined $sort) {
+ @candidates=IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
+ $sort, @candidates);
+ }
+ my @matches;
+ my $firstfail;
+ my $count=0;
+ my $accum=IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new();
+ foreach my $p (@candidates) {
+ my $r=$sub->($p, %params, location => $page);
+ error(sprintf(gettext("cannot match pages: %s"), $r))
+ if $r->isa("IkiWiki::ErrorReason");
+ unless ($r || $r->influences_static) {
+ $r->remove_influence($p);
+ }
+ $accum |= $r;
+ if ($r) {
+ push @matches, $p;
+ last if defined $num && ++$count == $num;
+ }
+ }
+ # Add simple dependencies for accumulated influences.
+ my $i=$accum->influences;
+ foreach my $k (keys %$i) {
+ $depends_simple{$page}{lc $k} |= $i->{$k};
+ }
+ # when all matches will be returned, it's efficient to
+ # sort after matching
+ if (! defined $num && defined $sort) {
+ return IkiWiki::SortSpec::sort_pages(
+ $sort, @matches);
+ }
+ else {
+ return @matches;
+ }
+sub pagespec_valid ($) {
+ my $spec=shift;
+ return defined pagespec_translate($spec);
+sub glob2re ($) {
+ my $re=quotemeta(shift);
+ $re=~s/\\\*/.*/g;
+ $re=~s/\\\?/./g;
+ return qr/^$re$/i;
+package IkiWiki::FailReason;
+use overload (
+ '""' => sub { $_[0][0] },
+ '0+' => sub { 0 },
+ '!' => sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason'},
+ '&' => sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1], 1); $_[0] },
+ '|' => sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0]); $_[1] },
+ fallback => 1,
+our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::SuccessReason';
+package IkiWiki::SuccessReason;
+# A blessed array-ref:
+# [0]: human-readable reason for success (or, in FailReason subclass, failure)
+# [1]{""}:
+# - if absent or false, the influences of this evaluation are "static",
+# see the influences_static method
+# - if true, they are dynamic (not static)
+# [1]{any other key}:
+# the dependency types of influences, as returned by the influences method
+use overload (
+ # in string context, it's the human-readable reason
+ '""' => sub { $_[0][0] },
+ # in boolean context, SuccessReason is 1 and FailReason is 0
+ '0+' => sub { 1 },
+ # negating a result gives the opposite result with the same influences
+ '!' => sub { bless $_[0], 'IkiWiki::FailReason'},
+ # A & B = (A ? B : A) with the influences of both
+ '&' => sub { $_[1]->merge_influences($_[0], 1); $_[1] },
+ # A | B = (A ? A : B) with the influences of both
+ '|' => sub { $_[0]->merge_influences($_[1]); $_[0] },
+ fallback => 1,
+# SuccessReason->new("human-readable reason", page => deptype, ...)
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ return bless [$value, {@_}], $class;
+# influences(): return a reference to a copy of the hash
+# { page => dependency type } describing the pages that indirectly influenced
+# this result, but would not cause a dependency through ikiwiki's core
+# dependency logic.
+# See [[todo/dependency_types]] for extensive discussion of what this means.
+# influences(page => deptype, ...): remove all influences, replace them
+# with the arguments, and return a reference to a copy of the new influences.
+sub influences {
+ my $this=shift;
+ $this->[1]={@_} if @_;
+ my %i=%{$this->[1]};
+ delete $i{""};
+ return \%i;
+# True if this result has the same influences whichever page it matches,
+# For instance, whether bar matches backlink(foo) is influenced only by
+# the set of links in foo, so its only influence is { foo => DEPEND_LINKS },
+# which does not mention bar anywhere.
+# False if this result would have different influences when matching
+# different pages. For instance, when testing whether link(foo) matches bar,
+# { bar => DEPEND_LINKS } is an influence on that result, because changing
+# bar's links could change the outcome; so its influences are not the same
+# as when testing whether link(foo) matches baz.
+# Static influences are one of the things that make pagespec_match_list
+# more efficient than repeated calls to pagespec_match.
+sub influences_static {
+ return ! $_[0][1]->{""};
+# Change the influences of $this to be the influences of "$this & $other"
+# or "$this | $other".
+# If both $this and $other are either successful or have influences,
+# or this is an "or" operation, the result has all the influences from
+# either of the arguments. It has dynamic influences if either argument
+# has dynamic influences.
+# If this is an "and" operation, and at least one argument is a
+# FailReason with no influences, the result has no influences, and they
+# are not dynamic. For instance, link(foo) matching bar is influenced
+# by bar, but enabled(ddate) has no influences. Suppose ddate is disabled;
+# then (link(foo) and enabled(ddate)) not matching bar is not influenced by
+# bar, because it would be false however often you edit bar.
+sub merge_influences {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $other=shift;
+ my $anded=shift;
+ # This "if" is odd because it needs to avoid negating $this
+ # or $other, which would alter the objects in-place. Be careful.
+ if (! $anded || (($this || %{$this->[1]}) &&
+ ($other || %{$other->[1]}))) {
+ foreach my $influence (keys %{$other->[1]}) {
+ $this->[1]{$influence} |= $other->[1]{$influence};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # influence blocker
+ $this->[1]={};
+ }
+# Change $this so it is not considered to be influenced by $torm.
+sub remove_influence {
+ my $this=shift;
+ my $torm=shift;
+ delete $this->[1]{$torm};
+package IkiWiki::ErrorReason;
+our @ISA = 'IkiWiki::FailReason';
+package IkiWiki::PageSpec;
+sub derel ($$) {
+ my $path=shift;
+ my $from=shift;
+ if ($path =~ m!^\.(/|$)!) {
+ if ($1) {
+ $from=~s#/?[^/]+$## if defined $from;
+ $path=~s#^\./##;
+ $path="$from/$path" if defined $from && length $from;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path = $from;
+ $path = "" unless defined $path;
+ }
+ }
+ return $path;
+my %glob_cache;
+sub match_glob ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $glob=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ $glob=derel($glob, $params{location});
+ # Instead of converting the glob to a regex every time,
+ # cache the compiled regex to save time.
+ my $re=$glob_cache{$glob};
+ unless (defined $re) {
+ $glob_cache{$glob} = $re = IkiWiki::glob2re($glob);
+ }
+ if ($page =~ $re) {
+ if (! IkiWiki::isinternal($page) || $params{internal}) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$glob matches $page");
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob matches $page, but the page is an internal page");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$glob does not match $page");
+ }
+sub match_internal ($$;@) {
+ return match_glob(shift, shift, @_, internal => 1)
+sub match_page ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $match=match_glob($page, shift, @_);
+ if ($match) {
+ my $source=exists $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} ?
+ $IkiWiki::pagesources{$page} :
+ $IkiWiki::delpagesources{$page};
+ my $type=defined $source ? IkiWiki::pagetype($source) : undef;
+ if (! defined $type) {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page is not a page");
+ }
+ }
+ return $match;
+sub match_link ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $link=lc(shift);
+ my %params=@_;
+ $link=derel($link, $params{location});
+ my $from=exists $params{location} ? $params{location} : '';
+ my $linktype=$params{linktype};
+ my $qualifier='';
+ if (defined $linktype) {
+ $qualifier=" with type $linktype";
+ }
+ my $links = $IkiWiki::links{$page};
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page has no links", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
+ unless $links && @{$links};
+ my $bestlink = IkiWiki::bestlink($from, $link);
+ foreach my $p (@{$links}) {
+ next unless (! defined $linktype || exists $IkiWiki::typedlinks{$page}{$linktype}{$p});
+ if (length $bestlink) {
+ if ($bestlink eq IkiWiki::bestlink($page, $p)) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (match_glob($p, $link, %params)) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
+ }
+ my ($p_rel)=$p=~/^\/?(.*)/;
+ $link=~s/^\///;
+ if (match_glob($p_rel, $link, %params)) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page links to page $p_rel$qualifier, matching $link", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page does not link to $link$qualifier", $page => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS, "" => 1);
+sub match_backlink ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $testpage=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ if ($testpage eq '.') {
+ $testpage = $params{'location'}
+ }
+ my $ret=match_link($testpage, $page, @_);
+ $ret->influences($testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_LINKS);
+ return $ret;
+sub match_created_before ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $testpage=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ $testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} < $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created before $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
+ }
+sub match_created_after ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $testpage=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ $testpage=derel($testpage, $params{location});
+ if (exists $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ if ($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page} > $IkiWiki::pagectime{$testpage}) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("$page created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("$page not created after $testpage", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("$testpage does not exist", $testpage => $IkiWiki::DEPEND_PRESENCE);
+ }
+sub match_creation_day ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $d=shift;
+ if ($d !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid day $d");
+ }
+ if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[3] == $d) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_day matched');
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_day did not match');
+ }
+sub match_creation_month ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $m=shift;
+ if ($m !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid month $m");
+ }
+ if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[4] + 1 == $m) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_month matched');
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_month did not match');
+ }
+sub match_creation_year ($$;@) {
+ my $page=shift;
+ my $y=shift;
+ if ($y !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("invalid year $y");
+ }
+ if ((localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page}))[5] + 1900 == $y) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new('creation_year matched');
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new('creation_year did not match');
+ }
+sub match_user ($$;@) {
+ shift;
+ my $user=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ if (! exists $params{user}) {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
+ }
+ my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($user);
+ if (defined $params{user} && $params{user}=~$regexp) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is $user");
+ }
+ elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is $params{user}, not $user");
+ }
+sub match_admin ($$;@) {
+ shift;
+ shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ if (! exists $params{user}) {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no user specified");
+ }
+ if (defined $params{user} && IkiWiki::is_admin($params{user})) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("user is an admin");
+ }
+ elsif (! defined $params{user}) {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("not logged in");
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("user is not an admin");
+ }
+sub match_ip ($$;@) {
+ shift;
+ my $ip=shift;
+ my %params=@_;
+ if (! exists $params{ip}) {
+ return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("no IP specified");
+ }
+ my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re(lc $ip);
+ if (defined $params{ip} && lc $params{ip}=~$regexp) {
+ return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("IP is $ip");
+ }
+ else {
+ return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("IP is $params{ip}, not $ip");
+ }
+package IkiWiki::SortSpec;
+# This is in the SortSpec namespace so that the $a and $b that sort() uses
+# are easily available in this namespace, for cmp functions to use them.
+sub sort_pages {
+ my $f=shift;
+ sort $f @_
+sub cmp_title {
+ IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($a))
+ cmp
+ IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($b))
+sub cmp_path { IkiWiki::pagetitle($a) cmp IkiWiki::pagetitle($b) }
+sub cmp_mtime { $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagemtime{$a} }
+sub cmp_age { $IkiWiki::pagectime{$b} <=> $IkiWiki::pagectime{$a} }