+package IkiWiki;
+# This is not used by this plugin, but this seems the best place to put it.
+# Used elsewhere to pretty-display the name of an openid user.
+sub openiduser ($) {
+ my $user=shift;
+ if ($user =~ m!^https?://! &&
+ eval q{use Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity; 1} && !$@) {
+ my $oid=Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity->new(identity => $user);
+ my $display=$oid->display;
+ # Convert "user.somehost.com" to "user [somehost.com]"
+ # (also "user.somehost.co.uk")
+ if ($display !~ /\[/) {
+ $display=~s/^([-a-zA-Z0-9]+?)\.([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-z]+)$/$1 [$2]/;
+ }
+ # Convert "http://somehost.com/user" to "user [somehost.com]".
+ # (also "https://somehost.com/user/")
+ if ($display !~ /\[/) {
+ $display=~s/^https?:\/\/(.+)\/([^\/]+)\/?$/$2 [$1]/;
+ }
+ $display=~s!^https?://!!; # make sure this is removed
+ eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
+ error($@) if $@;
+ return escapeHTML($display);
+ }
+ return;