-I've learned I'm not yet clever enough to get IkiWiki to build in OpenSolaris (as running on a [Joyent Accelerator][ja]). Anyone figured this out already?
-I think problem lies mostly, if not entirely, in getting ikiwiki.cgi.c to compile in an OpenSolaris context (this is ikiwiki-2.2):
-> <code>$ ikiwiki --setup ~/etc/ikiwiki/ikiwiki-edit.setup
-> [...]
-> Error: failed to compile /home/username/domains/domain.tld/cgi-bin/ikiwiki.cgi.c at /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/IkiWiki.pm line 104.
-BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 3) line 145.</code>
-More specifically,
-> <code>$ /usr/sfw/bin/gcc ikiwiki.cgi.c
-> Undefined first referenced
-> symbol in file
-> asprintf /var/tmp//cczPaG7R.o
-> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out
-> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status</code>
-[ja]: <http://www.joyent.com/accelerator/technical-specifications/>
-Thanks, Joey et al., for a really cool tool.