* [Salient Dream](http://www.salientdream.com/) - All Things Strange.
* [Anton Berezin's blog](http://blog.tobez.org/)
* [Waldgarten]( http://waldgarten.greenonion.org/ ) News and documentation of a permaculture inspired neighbourhood-garden located in Hamburg, Germany.
-* [Frohdo](https://frohdo.de) - With raw food against back pain and other diseases
+* [Waldfarm](https://waldfarm.de) - Natural Life by Natural Farming, Natürliches Leben mit natürlicher Landwirtschaft
* [[OscarMorante]]'s [personal site](http://oscar.morante.eu).
* [Puckspage]( http://www.puckspage.org/ ) Political and personal blog in German. The name comes from the elf out of midsummer nights dream.
* [[LucaCapello]]'s [homepage](http://luca.pca.it)