my $repodir=$config{srcdir};
- debug("darcs recent changes: $num");
my $child = open(LOG, "-|");
if (! $child) {
my $log = XMLin($data, ForceArray => 1);
- debug("parsing recent changes...");
foreach my $patch (@{$log->{patch}}) {
my $date=$patch->{local_date};
my $hash=$patch->{hash};
$d =~ s/\[\[file\]\]/$f/go;
$d =~ s/\[\[hash\]\]/$hash/go;
- debug("file: $f");
- debug("diffurl: $d");
push @pg, {
page => pagename($f),
diffurl => $d,
next unless (scalar @pg > 0);
- debug("recent change: " . $patch->{name}[0] . " ("
- . scalar @pg . " changes)");
my @message;
push @message, { line => $_ } foreach (@{$patch->{name}});
eval q{use XML::Simple};
local $/=undef;
- # Sigh... doing things the hard way again
- my $repodir=$config{srcdir};
- my $filer=substr($file, length($repodir));
+ my $filer=substr($file, length($config{srcdir}));
$filer =~ s:^[/]+::;
my $child = open(LOG, "-|");
if (! $child) {
exec("darcs", "changes", "--xml", "--reverse",
- "--repodir", "$repodir", "$filer")
+ "--repodir", $config{srcdir}, $filer)
|| error("'darcs changes $filer' failed to run");