-* Enrich podcast feed metadata (some of which is iTunes-specific,
- though I'm not aware of it causing any problems for other
- podcatchers, and in fact some of them may also use it).
-* Subscribe to a fancy feed in some common podcatchers and compare
- display details against a reference podcast.
-* Compare feature-for-feature and feed-for-feed with
- [tru_podcast](http://www.rainskit.com/blog/542/tru_podcast-a-podcasting-plugin-for-textpattern),
- which is what [[schmonz]] will be migrating from.
-* Think carefully about...
- * UTF-8.
- * Other templates with `CONTENT` and whether they want to learn
- about `ENCLOSURE` (maybe `aggregatepost.tmpl`?).
- * Whether [[tips/howto avoid flooding aggregators]] suffices for
- migrating a fancy podcast into ikiwiki.
-* Verify that the feeds validate.
-* Verify that _all_ the tests pass (not just my new ones).
+* [iTunes-specific tags](https://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html)
+ appear to be RSS-only
+ * Can we always include them in RSS feeds, or would that break
+ some feed readers?
+ * Is it even valid to include them in Atom feeds? If so, do
+ Atom podcasts look any better in podcatchers?
+ * Avoid adding a third kind of feed (`itunesrss`), or options
+ to the existing `rss` and `atom` feeds, unless we have to.
+* Notable tags for feeds:
+ * `itunes:subtitle`
+ * `itunes:author`
+ * `itunes:summary` (same as `description`)
+ * `itunes:owner` (includes `itunes:name` and `itunes:email`)
+ * `itunes:image href=''`
+ * `itunes:publisher`
+ * `itunes:category text=''` (can contain subcategories)
+ * `itunes:keywords`
+* Notable tags for entries:
+ * `itunes:duration`
+ * [[!cpan Audio::TagLib]] might be fastest, if present and applicable
+ * [ffprobe](http://ffmpeg.org/ffprobe.html) is reasonably fast
+ * [mediainfo](http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/) is way slower
+ * Cache computed durations as pagestate
+* [Podcast Feed Best
+ Practice](https://github.com/gpodder/podcast-feed-best-practice/blob/master/podcast-feed-best-practice.md)
+ from the gPodder folks