suitable for publishing on a website. Ikiwiki stores pages and history in a
[[revision_control_system|rcs]] such as [[Subversion|rcs/svn]] or [[rcs/Git]].
There are many other [[features]], including support for
-[[blogging|blog]], as well as a large array of [[plugins]].
+[[blogging|blog]] and [[podcasting|podcast]], as well as a large
+array of [[plugins]].
[[!template id=links]]
Ikiwiki is developed by [[Joey]] and many contributors,
and is [[FreeSoftware]].
-[[joesop|]] blogdetik
-[[foarfm|]] lucubanget
-[[kamplo|]] dagdigdug
-[[ada aja|]] downloadblog
-[[kianmiu|]] wordpress
-dai lama tooz
-[[depresi|]] netai
-[[karena ada|]] pressyou
-[[cewek cantik|]] infonews
-[[disini|]] mutiarabijak
-[[oleh seab itu|]] blogspot
-part off
-[[do helf|]] abatasa
-[[do carow|]] webnode
-[[get apung|]] wockee
-[[satring|]] posterous
-[[lowbugg|]] bravenet
-[[depends|]] websin
-[[kancingm|]] uberjournal