$ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"num\" value=\"$num\" />\n";
$ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"$params{page}\" />\n";
$ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"choice\" value=\"$choice\" />\n";
+ if (defined $params{postlink}) {
+ $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"postlink\" value=\"".linkpage($params{postlink})."\" />\n";
+ }
+ if (defined $params{posttrail}) {
+ $ret.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"posttrail\" value=\"".linkpage($params{posttrail})."\" />\n";
+ }
$ret.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".gettext("vote")."\" />\n";
$ret.="</p>\n<hr class=poll align=left width=\"$percent%\"/>\n";
my $cgi=shift;
my $session=shift;
if (defined $cgi->param('do') && $cgi->param('do') eq "poll") {
- my $choice=decode_utf8($cgi->param('choice'));
+ my $choice=decode_utf8(scalar $cgi->param('choice'));
if (! defined $choice || not length $choice) {
error("no choice specified");
error("bad page name");
+ my $postvote=urlto($page);
+ if (defined $cgi->param('postlink') && length $cgi->param('postlink')) {
+ $postvote=urlto(bestlink($page, $cgi->param('postlink')));
+ }
+ elsif (defined $cgi->param('posttrail') && length $cgi->param('posttrail')) {
+ my $trailname=bestlink($page, $cgi->param('posttrail'));
+ my $trailnext=$pagestate{$page}{trail}{item}{$trailname}[1];
+ if (defined $trailnext) {
+ $postvote=urlto($trailnext);
+ }
+ }
# Did they vote before? If so, let them change their vote,
# and check for dups.
my $choice_param="poll_choice_${page}_$num";
my $oldchoice=$session->param($choice_param);
if (defined $oldchoice && $oldchoice eq $choice) {
# Same vote; no-op.
- IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page));
+ IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, $postvote);
$content =~ s{(\\?)\[\[\Q$prefix\E\s+([^]]+)\s*\]\]}{$edit->($1, $2)}seg;
- # Store their vote, update the page, and redirect to it.
+ # Store their vote, update the page, and redirect.
writefile($pagesources{$page}, $config{srcdir}, $content);
$session->param($choice_param, $choice);
eval q{use CGI::Cookie};
error($@) if $@;
my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name=> $session->name, -value=> $session->id);
- print $cgi->redirect(-cookie => $cookie,
- -url => urlto($page));
+ print $cgi->redirect(-cookie => $cookie, -url => $postvote);