+## Miscellaneous
+### Internal use pages
+Sometimes it's useful to put pages in the wiki without the overhead of
+having them be rendered to individual html files. Such internal use pages
+are collected together to form the RecentChanges page, for example.
+To make an internal use page, register a filename extension that starts
+with "_". Internal use pages cannot be edited with the web interface,
+generally shouldn't contain wikilinks or preprocessor directives (use
+either on them with extreme caution), and are not matched by regular
+PageSpecs glob patterns, but instead only by a special `internal()`
+### RCS plugins
+ikiwiki's support for [[revision_control_systems|rcs]] is also done via
+plugins. See [[RCS_details|rcs/details]] for some more info.
+RCS plugins must register a number of hooks. Each hook has type 'rcs',
+and the 'id' field is set to the name of the hook. For example:
+ hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_update", call => \&rcs_update);
+ hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_prepedit", call => \&rcs_prepedit);
+#### `rcs_update()`
+Updates the working directory with any remote changes.
+#### `rcs_prepedit($)`
+Is passed a file to prepare to edit. It can generate and return an arbitrary
+token, that will be passed into `rcs_commit` when committing. For example,
+it might return the current revision ID of the file, and use that
+information later when merging changes.
+#### `rcs_commit($$$;$$)`
+Passed a file, message, token (from `rcs_prepedit`), user, and ip address.
+Should try to commit the file. Returns `undef` on *success* and a version
+of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure.
+#### `rcs_commit_staged($$$)`
+Passed a message, user, and ip address. Should commit all staged changes.
+Returns undef on success, and an error message on failure.
+Changes can be staged by calls to `rcs_add, `rcs_remove`, and
+#### `rcs_add($)`
+Adds the passed file to the archive. The filename is relative to the root
+of the srcdir.
+Note that this should not commit the new file, it should only
+prepare for it to be committed when rcs_commit (or `rcs_commit_staged`) is
+called. Note that the file may be in a new subdir that is not yet in
+to version control; the subdir can be added if so.
+#### `rcs_remove($)`
+Remove a file. The filename is relative to the root of the srcdir.
+Note that this should not commit the removal, it should only prepare for it
+to be committed when `rcs_commit` (or `rcs_commit_staged`) is called. Note
+that the new file may be in a new subdir that is not yet in version
+control; the subdir can be added if so.
+#### `rcs_rename($$)`