+I am thinking that it would be useful to parse parts of one wiki page into another. Here something like `\[[page=anchor]]` would be really nice to simply parse the content of that section, as opposed to `\[[page#anchor]]` which only creates a link to that section. -- [[Timoses]]
+> When you say "parse parts" do you mean taking a section of a wiki page and including its text
+> in a different wiki page? So for instance you might want `/installation` to include the
+> `Downloading binaries` section of `/download`, but not the rest of that page?
+> That's really a separate feature request (inlining isn't linking), and is also rather difficult
+> to do in IkiWiki's processing model: at the time that [[wikilinks|ikiwiki/wikilink]] and
+> [[directives|ikiwiki/directive]] are processed, the page content is still Markdown or
+> whatever other format is relevant, not HTML. That makes sections difficult to identify.
+> I would suggest making the desired section a separate page (for example you might
+> call it `/download/binaries`), and including that whole page everywhere it should
+> appear (for example in both `/download` and `/installation`) using
+> `\[[!inline pages="download/binaries" raw=yes]]`. --[[smcv]]