What I ended up doing is write something like this to the page:
- [[blogcomment from="""Username""" timestamp="""12345""" subject="""Some text""" text="""the text of the comment"""]]
+ [[!blogcomment from="""Username""" timestamp="""12345""" subject="""Some text""" text="""the text of the comment"""]]
-Each comment is processed to a <<div>> with a <<dl>> and the text inside it. In this way the comments can be styled using CSS.
+Each comment is processed to something like this:
+ <div>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>From</dt><dd>Username</dd>
+ <dt>Date</dt><dd>Date (needs fixing)</dd>
+ <dt>Subject</dt><dd>Subject text</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>Text of the comment...</p>
+ </div>
+. In this way the comments can be styled using CSS.
-- [[MarceloMagallon]]
$cgi->param('comments') : '';
my $comment=$cgi->param('blogcomment');
- $content.=qq{[[blogcomment from="""$name""" timestamp="""$timestamp""" subject="""$subject""" text="""$comment"""]]\n\n};
+ $content.=qq{[[!blogcomment from="""$name""" timestamp="""$timestamp""" subject="""$subject""" text="""$comment"""]]\n\n};
$form->field(name => "editcontent", value => $content, force => 1);
} # }}}