-} #}}}
-sub dumpvalues ($@) { #{{{
- my $setup=shift;
- my @ret;
- while (@_) {
- my $key=shift;
- my %info=%{shift()};
- next if $info{type} eq "internal";
- push @ret, "\t# ".$info{description} if exists $info{description};
- if (exists $setup->{$key} && defined $setup->{$key}) {
- push @ret, dumpline($key, $setup->{$key}, $info{type}, "");
- delete $setup->{$key};
- }
- elsif (exists $info{example}) {
- push @ret, dumpline($key, $info{example}, $info{type}, "#");
- }
- }
- return @ret;
-} #}}}
-sub gendump ($) { #{{{
- my $description=shift;
- my %setup=(%config);
- my @ret;
- # disable logging to syslog while dumping
- $config{syslog}=0;
- push @ret, "\t# basic setup";
- push @ret, dumpvalues(\%setup, IkiWiki::getsetup());
- # Load all plugins, so that all setup options are available.
- # (But skip a few problematic external demo plugins.)
- my @plugins=grep { ! /^(externaldemo|pythondemo|\Q$config{rcs}\E)$/ }
- sort(IkiWiki::listplugins());
- unshift @plugins, $config{rcs} if $config{rcs}; # rcs plugin 1st
- foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
- eval { IkiWiki::loadplugin($plugin) };
- if (exists $IkiWiki::hooks{checkconfig}{$plugin}{call}) {
- my @s=eval { $IkiWiki::hooks{checkconfig}{$plugin}{call}->() };
- }
- }
- foreach my $id (@plugins) {
- if (exists $IkiWiki::hooks{getsetup}{$id}{call}) {
- # use an array rather than a hash, to preserve order
- my @s=eval { $IkiWiki::hooks{getsetup}{$id}{call}->() };
- next unless @s;
- push @ret, "", "\t# $id plugin";
- push @ret, dumpvalues(\%setup, @s);
- }
- }
- unshift @ret,
- "#!/usr/bin/perl",
- "# $description",
- "#",
- "# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate",
- "# wrappers and build the wiki.",
- "#",
- "# Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.",
- "use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {";
- push @ret, "}";
- return @ret;
-} #}}}