use IkiWiki 3.00;
sub import {
+ hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "mdwn", call => \&checkconfig);
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "mdwn", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "htmlize", id => "mdwn", call => \&htmlize, longname => "Markdown");
hook(type => "htmlize", id => "md", call => \&htmlize, longname => "Markdown (popular file extension)", nocreate => 1);
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
+ mdwn_footnotes => {
+ type => "boolean",
+ example => 1,
+ description => "enable footnotes in Markdown (where supported)?",
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => 1,
+ },
+ mdwn_alpha_lists => {
+ type => "boolean",
+ example => 0,
+ description => "interpret line like 'A. First item' as ordered list when using Discount?",
+ advanced => 1,
+ safe => 1,
+ rebuild => 1,
+ },
+sub checkconfig () {
+ $config{mdwn_footnotes} = 1 unless defined $config{mdwn_footnotes};
+ $config{mdwn_alpha_lists} = 0 unless defined $config{mdwn_alpha_lists};
my $markdown_sub;
else {
$markdown_sub=sub {
- Text::MultiMarkdown::markdown(shift, {use_metadata => 0});
+ my %flags=( use_metadata => 0 );
+ if ($config{mdwn_footnotes}) {
+ $flags{disable_footnotes}=1;
+ }
+ Text::MultiMarkdown::markdown(shift, \%flags);
(! exists $config{nodiscount} || ! $config{nodiscount})) {
eval q{use Text::Markdown::Discount};
if (! $@) {
+ my $markdown = \&Text::Markdown::Discount::markdown;
+ my $always_flags = 0;
+ # Disable Pandoc-style % Title, % Author, % Date
+ # Use the meta plugin instead
+ $always_flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_NOHEADER();
+ # Disable Unicodification of quote marks, em dashes...
+ # Use the typography plugin instead
+ $always_flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_NOPANTS();
+ # Workaround for discount's eliding of <style> blocks.
+ #
+ if (Text::Markdown::Discount->can('MKD_NOSTYLE')) {
+ $always_flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_NOSTYLE();
+ }
+ elsif ($markdown->('<style>x</style>', 0) !~ '<style>' &&
+ $markdown->('<style>x</style>', 0x00400000) =~ m{<style>x</style>}) {
+ $always_flags |= 0x00400000;
+ }
+ # Enable fenced code blocks in libmarkdown >= 2.2.0
+ #
+ if (Text::Markdown::Discount->can('MKD_FENCEDCODE')) {
+ $always_flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_FENCEDCODE();
+ }
+ elsif ($markdown->("~~~\nx\n~~~", 0) !~ m{<pre\b} &&
+ $markdown->("~~~\nx\n~~~", 0x02000000) =~ m{<pre\b}) {
+ $always_flags |= 0x02000000;
+ }
+ # PHP Markdown Extra-style term\n: definition -> <dl>
+ if (Text::Markdown::Discount->can('MKD_DLEXTRA')) {
+ $always_flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_DLEXTRA();
+ }
+ elsif ($markdown->("term\n: def\n", 0) !~ m{<dl>} &&
+ $markdown->("term\n: def\n", 0x01000000) =~ m{<dl>}) {
+ $always_flags |= 0x01000000;
+ }
+ # Allow dashes and underscores in tag names
+ if (Text::Markdown::Discount->can('MKD_GITHUBTAGS')) {
+ $always_flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_GITHUBTAGS();
+ }
+ elsif ($markdown->('<foo_bar>', 0) !~ m{<foo_bar} &&
+ $markdown->('<foo_bar>', 0x08000000) =~ m{<foo_bar\b}) {
+ $always_flags |= 0x08000000;
+ }
$markdown_sub=sub {
my $t=shift;
# Workaround for discount binding bug
return "" if $t=~/^\s*$/;
- # Workaround for discount's eliding
- # of <style> blocks.
- #
- $t=~s/<style/<elyts/ig;
- my $r=Text::Markdown::Discount::markdown($t);
- $r=~s/<elyts/<style/ig;
- return $r;
+ my $flags=$always_flags;
+ if ($config{mdwn_footnotes}) {
+ $flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE();
+ }
+ unless ($config{mdwn_alpha_lists}) {
+ $flags |= Text::Markdown::Discount::MKD_NOALPHALIST();
+ }
+ return Text::Markdown::Discount::markdown($t, $flags);