-While this deb has been developed on Debian unstable, it should also work on stable, although to get the CGI stuff working on stable, you will need to upgrade to a newer version of libcgi-formbuilder-perl, `3.02.02`.
+There is a backport of a recent version of ikiwiki for Debian 5.0 at
+There is also an unofficial backport of ikiwiki for Ubuntu Jaunty, provided by
+at [http://gpa.net.icm.edu.pl/ubuntu/](http://gpa.net.icm.edu.pl/ubuntu/index-en.html).
+## RPM packages
+Fedora versions 8 and newer have RPMs of ikiwiki available.
+Ikiwiki's source includes a RPM spec file, which you can use to build your
+own RPM.
+## BSD ports
+Ikiwiki can be installed [from macports](http://www.macports.org/ports.php?by=name&substr=ikiwiki)
+by running `sudo port install ikiwiki`.
+NetBSD and many other platforms: pkgsrc has an [ikiwiki package](ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/www/ikiwiki/README.html).
+FreeBSD has ikiwiki in its
+[ports collection](http://www.freshports.org/www/ikiwiki/).
+## Other packages