->>> I've tweaked my patch in light of your above feedback: The plugin has
->>> been renamed, and I now validate keys. I've also added documentation to
->>> the branch. I haven't read rubykat's code properly yet, and don't have
->>> access at the time of writing (I'm on a beach in Greece ☺), but I expect
->>> it would be possible to extend what I've got here to support defining the
+>>> I've tweaked my patch in light of your above feedback: The plugin has been
+>>> renamed, and I now validate keys. I've also added documentation and tests
+>>> to the branch. I haven't read rubykat's code properly yet, and don't have
+>>> access at the time of writing (I'm on a beach in Greece ☺), but I expect it
+>>> would be possible to extend what I've got here to support defining the