> > This is nested blockquote.
+>> Does this also work? -- It does.
> Back to the first level.
Numbered list
1. First item.
+ 1. Sub item.
1. Another.
1. And another..
+ 1. foo
+ 2. bar
+ 3. baz
+ 4. qux
+ 5. quux
Bulleted list
* just to try this stuff - looks kool!
* test
* hi mom
+* [[foo_(1975-)]]
+* frogs.
-This sandbox is also a [[blog]]! Any [[SubPage]] of this page is automatically
-added to the blog below.
+This sandbox is also a [[blog]]!
-[[inline pages="sandbox/*" show="5"]]
+[[inline pages="sandbox/*" rootpage="sandbox" show="5"]]