-# Git backend for IkiWiki.
-# Copyright 2006 Recai Oktaş <roktas@debian.org>
-# Licensed under the same terms as IkiWiki.
+package IkiWiki;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki;
+use Encode;
+use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-package IkiWiki;
-my $origin_branch = 'origin'; # Git ref for main repository
-my $master_branch = 'master'; # working branch
my $sha1_pattern = qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/; # pattern to validate Git sha1sums
my $dummy_commit_msg = 'dummy commit'; # message to skip in recent changes
-my $web_commit_msg = qr/^web commit by (\w+):?(.*)/; # pattern for web commits
sub _safe_git (&@) { #{{{
# Start a child process safely without resorting /bin/sh.
if (!$pid) {
# In child.
- open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"
- or error("Cannot dup STDOUT: $!");
# Git commands want to be in wc.
chdir $config{srcdir}
or error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!");
close $OUT;
- ($error_handler || sub { })->("'@cmdline' failed: $!") if $?;
+ $error_handler->("'@cmdline' failed: $!") if $? && $error_handler;
return wantarray ? @lines : ($? == 0);
# Convenient wrappers.
-sub run_or_die ($@) { _safe_git(\&IkiWiki::error, @_) }
+sub run_or_die ($@) { _safe_git(\&error, @_) }
sub run_or_cry ($@) { _safe_git(sub { warn @_ }, @_) }
sub run_or_non ($@) { _safe_git(undef, @_) }
sub _merge_past ($$$) { #{{{
# Unlike with Subversion, Git cannot make a 'svn merge -rN:M file'.
# Git merge commands work with the committed changes, except in the
- # implicit case of '-m' of git-checkout(1). So we should invent a
+ # implicit case of '-m' of git checkout(1). So we should invent a
# kludge here. In principle, we need to create a throw-away branch
# in preparing for the merge itself. Since branches are cheap (and
# branching is fast), this shouldn't cost high.
# possible approach to get rid of this situation could be that we first
# make a temporary commit in the master branch and later restore the
# initial state (this is possible since Git has the ability to undo a
- # commit, i.e. 'git-reset --soft HEAD^'). The method can be summarized
+ # commit, i.e. 'git reset --soft HEAD^'). The method can be summarized
# as follows:
# - create a diff of HEAD:current-sha1
my $branch = "throw_away_${sha1}"; # supposed to be unique
# Create a throw-away branch and rewind backward.
- push @undo, sub { run_or_cry('git-branch', '-D', $branch) };
- run_or_die('git-branch', $branch, $sha1);
+ push @undo, sub { run_or_cry('git', 'branch', '-D', $branch) };
+ run_or_die('git', 'branch', $branch, $sha1);
# Switch to throw-away branch for the merge operation.
push @undo, sub {
- if (!run_or_cry('git-checkout', $master_branch)) {
- run_or_cry('git-checkout','-f',$master_branch);
+ if (!run_or_cry('git', 'checkout', $config{gitmaster_branch})) {
+ run_or_cry('git', 'checkout','-f',$config{gitmaster_branch});
- run_or_die('git-checkout', $branch);
+ run_or_die('git', 'checkout', $branch);
# Put the modified file in _this_ branch.
rename($hidden, $target)
or error("rename '$hidden' to '$target' failed: $!");
# _Silently_ commit all modifications in the current branch.
- run_or_non('git-commit', '-m', $message, '-a');
+ run_or_non('git', 'commit', '-m', $message, '-a');
# ... and re-switch to master.
- run_or_die('git-checkout', $master_branch);
+ run_or_die('git', 'checkout', $config{gitmaster_branch});
# Attempt to merge without complaining.
- if (!run_or_non('git-pull', '--no-commit', '.', $branch)) {
+ if (!run_or_non('git', 'pull', '--no-commit', '.', $branch)) {
$conflict = readfile($target);
- run_or_die('git-reset', '--hard');
+ run_or_die('git', 'reset', '--hard');
my $failure = $@;
return $conflict;
} #}}}
-sub _parse_diff_tree (@) { #{{{
+sub _parse_diff_tree ($@) { #{{{
# Parse the raw diff tree chunk and return the info hash.
# See git-diff-tree(1) for the syntax.
- my ($dt_ref) = @_;
+ my ($prefix, $dt_ref) = @_;
# End of stream?
- return if !defined @{ $dt_ref } || !length @{ $dt_ref }[0];
+ return if !defined @{ $dt_ref } ||
+ !defined @{ $dt_ref }[0] || !length @{ $dt_ref }[0];
my %ci;
# Header line.
- HEADER: while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
- return if $line !~ m/^diff-tree ($sha1_pattern)/;
+ while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
+ return if $line !~ m/^(.+) ($sha1_pattern)/;
- my $sha1 = $1;
+ my $sha1 = $2;
$ci{'sha1'} = $sha1;
- last HEADER;
+ last;
# Identification lines for the commit.
- IDENT: while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
+ while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
# Regexps are semi-stolen from gitweb.cgi.
if ($line =~ m/^tree ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$/) {
$ci{'tree'} = $1;
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^parent ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$/) {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^parent ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$/) {
# XXX: collecting in reverse order
push @{ $ci{'parents'} }, $1;
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^(author|committer) (.*) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/) {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^(author|committer) (.*) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/) {
my ($who, $name, $epoch, $tz) =
($1, $2, $3, $4 );
$ci{ "${who}_epoch" } = $epoch;
$ci{ "${who}_tz" } = $tz;
- if ($name =~ m/^([^<]+) <([^@]+)/) {
- my ($fullname, $username) = ($1, $2);
- $ci{"${who}_fullname"} = $fullname;
- $ci{"${who}_username"} = $username;
- } else {
- $ci{"${who}_fullname"} =
- $ci{"${who}_username"} = $name;
+ if ($name =~ m/^[^<]+\s+<([^@>]+)/) {
+ $ci{"${who}_username"} = $1;
- } elsif ($line =~ m/^$/) {
+ elsif ($name =~ m/^([^<]+)\s+<>$/) {
+ $ci{"${who}_username"} = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ci{"${who}_username"} = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^$/) {
# Trailing empty line signals next section.
- last IDENT;
+ last;
- error("No 'tree' or 'parents' seen in diff-tree output")
- if !defined $ci{'tree'} || !defined $ci{'parents'};
- $ci{'parent'} = @{ $ci{'parents'} }[0];
+ debug("No 'tree' seen in diff-tree output") if !defined $ci{'tree'};
+ if (defined $ci{'parents'}) {
+ $ci{'parent'} = @{ $ci{'parents'} }[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $ci{'parent'} = 0 x 40;
+ }
- # Commit message.
- COMMENT: while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
- if ($line =~ m/^$/) {
- # Trailing empty line signals next section.
- last COMMENT;
- };
+ # Commit message (optional).
+ while ($dt_ref->[0] =~ /^ /) {
+ my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref };
$line =~ s/^ //;
push @{ $ci{'comment'} }, $line;
+ shift @{ $dt_ref } if $dt_ref->[0] =~ /^$/;
# Modified files.
- FILE: while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
- if ($line =~ m{^:
- ([0-7]{6})[ ] # from mode
- ([0-7]{6})[ ] # to mode
- ($sha1_pattern)[ ] # from sha1
- ($sha1_pattern)[ ] # to sha1
- (.) # status
- ([0-9]{0,3})\t # similarity
- (.*) # file
+ while (my $line = shift @{ $dt_ref }) {
+ if ($line =~ m{^
+ (:+) # number of parents
+ ([^\t]+)\t # modes, sha1, status
+ (.*) # file names
$}xo) {
- my ($sha1_from, $sha1_to, $file) =
- ($3, $4, $7 );
+ my $num_parents = length $1;
+ my @tmp = split(" ", $2);
+ my ($file, $file_to) = split("\t", $3);
+ my @mode_from = splice(@tmp, 0, $num_parents);
+ my $mode_to = shift(@tmp);
+ my @sha1_from = splice(@tmp, 0, $num_parents);
+ my $sha1_to = shift(@tmp);
+ my $status = shift(@tmp);
if ($file =~ m/^"(.*)"$/) {
($file=$1) =~ s/\\([0-7]{1,3})/chr(oct($1))/eg;
+ $file =~ s/^\Q$prefix\E//;
if (length $file) {
push @{ $ci{'details'} }, {
- 'file' => $file,
- 'sha1_from' => $sha1_from,
+ 'file' => decode_utf8($file),
+ 'sha1_from' => $sha1_from[0],
'sha1_to' => $sha1_to,
- next FILE;
+ next;
- last FILE;
+ last;
- warn "No detail in diff-tree output" if !defined $ci{'details'};
return \%ci;
} #}}}
-sub git_commit_info (;$$) { #{{{
+sub git_commit_info ($;$) { #{{{
# Return an array of commit info hashes of num commits (default: 1)
- # starting from the given sha1sum (default: HEAD).
+ # starting from the given sha1sum.
my ($sha1, $num) = @_;
$num ||= 1;
- my @raw_lines =
- run_or_die(qq{git-rev-list --max-count=$num $sha1 |
- git-diff-tree --stdin --pretty=raw -M -r});
+ my @raw_lines = run_or_die('git', 'log', "--max-count=$num",
+ '--pretty=raw', '--raw', '--abbrev=40', '--always', '-c',
+ '-r', $sha1, '--', '.');
+ my ($prefix) = run_or_die('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-prefix');
my @ci;
- while (my $parsed = _parse_diff_tree(\@raw_lines)) {
+ while (my $parsed = _parse_diff_tree(($prefix or ""), \@raw_lines)) {
push @ci, $parsed;
+ warn "Cannot parse commit info for '$sha1' commit" if !@ci;
return wantarray ? @ci : $ci[0];
} #}}}
my $file = shift || q{--};
# Ignore error since a non-existing file might be given.
- my ($sha1) = run_or_non('git-rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD', $file);
+ my ($sha1) = run_or_non('git', 'rev-list', '--max-count=1', 'HEAD',
+ '--', $file);
if ($sha1) {
($sha1) = $sha1 =~ m/($sha1_pattern)/; # sha1 is untainted now
} else { debug("Empty sha1sum for '$file'.") }
sub rcs_update () { #{{{
# Update working directory.
- run_or_cry('git-pull', $origin_branch);
+ if (length $config{gitorigin_branch}) {
+ run_or_cry('git', 'pull', $config{gitorigin_branch});
+ }
} #}}}
sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{
return git_sha1($file);
} #}}}
-sub rcs_commit ($$$) { #{{{
+sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
# Try to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and
# a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on
# failure.
- my ($file, $message, $rcstoken) = @_;
- # XXX: Wiki directory is in the unlocked state when starting this
- # action. But it takes time for a Git process to finish its job
- # (especially if a merge required), so we must re-lock to prevent
- # race conditions. Only when the time of the real commit action
- # (i.e. git-push(1)) comes, we'll unlock the directory.
- lockwiki();
+ my ($file, $message, $rcstoken, $user, $ipaddr) = @_;
# Check to see if the page has been changed by someone else since
# rcs_prepedit was called.
my $conflict = _merge_past($prev, $file, $dummy_commit_msg);
return $conflict if defined $conflict;
+ # Set the commit author and email to the web committer.
+ my %env=%ENV;
+ if (defined $user || defined $ipaddr) {
+ my $u=defined $user ? $user : $ipaddr;
+ $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}="$u\@web";
+ }
- # git-commit(1) returns non-zero if file has not been really changed.
+ # git commit returns non-zero if file has not been really changed.
# so we should ignore its exit status (hence run_or_non).
$message = possibly_foolish_untaint($message);
- if (run_or_non('git-commit', '-m', $message, '-i', $file)) {
- unlockwiki();
- run_or_cry('git-push', $origin_branch);
+ if (run_or_non('git', 'commit', '--cleanup=verbatim', '-q', '-m', $message, '-i', $file)) {
+ if (length $config{gitorigin_branch}) {
+ run_or_cry('git', 'push', $config{gitorigin_branch});
+ }
+ %ENV=%env;
return undef; # success
} #}}}
my ($file) = @_;
- run_or_cry('git-add', $file);
+ run_or_cry('git', 'add', $file);
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ # Remove file from archive.
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ run_or_cry('git', 'rm', '-f', $file);
} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my ($num) = @_;
- eval q{use CGI 'escapeHTML'};
eval q{use Date::Parse};
- eval q{use Time::Duration};
- my ($sha1, $type, $when, $diffurl, $user, @pages, @message, @rets);
- INFO: foreach my $ci (git_commit_info('HEAD', $num)) {
- my $title = @{ $ci->{'comment'} }[0];
+ error($@) if $@;
+ my @rets;
+ foreach my $ci (git_commit_info('HEAD', $num)) {
# Skip redundant commits.
- next INFO if ($title eq $dummy_commit_msg);
+ next if ($ci->{'comment'} && @{$ci->{'comment'}}[0] eq $dummy_commit_msg);
- $sha1 = $ci->{'sha1'};
- $type = "web";
- $when = concise(ago(time - $ci->{'author_epoch'}));
+ my ($sha1, $when) = (
+ $ci->{'sha1'},
+ $ci->{'author_epoch'}
+ );
- foreach my $bit (@{ $ci->{'details'} }) {
- my $diffurl = $config{'diffurl'};
- my $file = $bit->{'file'};
+ my @pages;
+ foreach my $detail (@{ $ci->{'details'} }) {
+ my $file = $detail->{'file'};
+ my $diffurl = $config{'diffurl'};
$diffurl =~ s/\[\[file\]\]/$file/go;
$diffurl =~ s/\[\[sha1_parent\]\]/$ci->{'parent'}/go;
- $diffurl =~ s/\[\[sha1_from\]\]/$bit->{'sha1_from'}/go;
- $diffurl =~ s/\[\[sha1_to\]\]/$bit->{'sha1_to'}/go;
+ $diffurl =~ s/\[\[sha1_from\]\]/$detail->{'sha1_from'}/go;
+ $diffurl =~ s/\[\[sha1_to\]\]/$detail->{'sha1_to'}/go;
push @pages, {
- link => htmllink("", "", pagename($file), 1),
+ page => pagename($file),
diffurl => $diffurl,
- },
+ };
- push @message, { line => escapeHTML($title) };
+ my @messages;
+ my $pastblank=0;
+ foreach my $line (@{$ci->{'comment'}}) {
+ $pastblank=1 if $line eq '';
+ next if $pastblank && $line=~m/^ *(signed[ \-]off[ \-]by[ :]|acked[ \-]by[ :]|cc[ :])/i;
+ push @messages, { line => $line };
+ }
- if (defined $message[0] &&
- $message[0]->{line} =~ m/$web_commit_msg/) {
- $user = "$1";
- $message[0]->{line} = $2;
- } else {
- $type ="git";
- $user = $ci->{'author_username'};
+ my $user=$ci->{'author_username'};
+ my $web_commit = ($ci->{'author'} =~ /\@web>/);
+ # compatability code for old web commit messages
+ if (! $web_commit &&
+ defined $messages[0] &&
+ $messages[0]->{line} =~ m/$config{web_commit_regexp}/) {
+ $user = defined $2 ? "$2" : "$3";
+ $messages[0]->{line} = $4;
+ $web_commit=1;
push @rets, {
rev => $sha1,
- user => htmllink("", "", $user, 1),
- committype => $type,
+ user => $user,
+ committype => $web_commit ? "web" : "git",
when => $when,
- message => [@message],
+ message => [@messages],
pages => [@pages],
} if @pages;
- $sha1 = $type = $when = $diffurl = $user = undef;
- @pages = @message = ();
+ last if @rets >= $num;
return @rets;
} #}}}
-sub rcs_notify () { #{{{
- # Send notification mail to subscribed users.
- #
- # In usual Git usage, hooks/update script is presumed to send
- # notification mails (see git-receive-pack(1)). But we prefer
- # hooks/post-update to support IkiWiki commits coming from a
- # cloned repository (through command line) because post-update
- # is called _after_ each ref in repository is updated (update
- # hook is called _before_ the repository is updated). Since
- # post-update hook does not accept command line arguments, we
- # don't have an $ENV variable in this function.
- #
- # Here, we rely on a simple fact: we can extract all parts of the
- # notification content by parsing the "HEAD" commit (which also
- # triggers a refresh of IkiWiki pages) and we can obtain the diff
- # by comparing HEAD and HEAD^ (the previous commit).
- my $sha1 = 'HEAD'; # the commit which triggers this action
- my $ci = git_commit_info($sha1);
- if (!defined $ci) {
- warn "Cannot parse info for '$sha1' commit";
- return;
- }
- my @changed_pages = map { $_->{'file'} } @{ $ci->{'details'} };
- my ($user, $message);
- if (@{ $ci->{'comment'} }[0] =~ m/$web_commit_msg/) {
- $user = "$1";
- $message = $2;
- } else {
- $user = $ci->{'author_username'};
- $message = join "\n", @{ $ci->{'comment'} };
+sub rcs_diff ($) { #{{{
+ my $rev=shift;
+ my ($sha1) = $rev =~ /^($sha1_pattern)$/; # untaint
+ my @lines;
+ foreach my $line (run_or_non("git", "show", $sha1)) {
+ if (@lines || $line=~/^diff --git/) {
+ push @lines, $line."\n";
+ }
- require IkiWiki::UserInfo;
- my @email_recipients = commit_notify_list($user, @changed_pages);
- return if !@email_recipients;
- # TODO: if a commit spans multiple pages, this will send
- # subscribers a diff that might contain pages they did not
- # sign up for. Should separate the diff per page and
- # reassemble into one mail with just the pages subscribed to.
- my $diff = join "\n", run_or_die('git-diff', "${sha1}^", $sha1);
- my $subject = "$config{wikiname} update of ";
- if (@changed_pages > 2) {
- $subject .= "$changed_pages[0] $changed_pages[1] etc";
- } else {
- $subject .= join " ", @changed_pages;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @lines;
- $subject .= " by $user";
- my $template = HTML::Template->new(
- filename => "$config{templatedir}/notifymail.tmpl"
- );
- $template->param(
- wikiname => $config{wikiname},
- diff => $diff,
- user => $user,
- message => $message,
- );
- eval q{use Mail::Sendmail};
- foreach my $email (@email_recipients) {
- sendmail(
- To => $email,
- From => "$config{wikiname} <$config{adminemail}>",
- Subject => $subject,
- Message => $template->output,
- ) or error("Failed to send update notification mail: $!");
+ else {
+ return join("", @lines);
} #}}}
sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
- # Get the ctime of file.
- my ($file) = @_;
+ my $file=shift;
+ # Remove srcdir prefix
+ $file =~ s/^\Q$config{srcdir}\E\/?//;
my $sha1 = git_sha1($file);
my $ci = git_commit_info($sha1);
my $ctime = $ci->{'author_epoch'};
- debug("ctime for '$file': ". localtime($ctime) . "\n");
+ debug("ctime for '$file': ". localtime($ctime));
return $ctime;
} #}}}