>Ubuntu Hardy Heron has a debian package now, but that does not work either.
> --Dirk 22Apr2008
-I had been using ikiwiki for a while without any problems. Recently, however, I'm having a problem with the web editor: accented characters are "mangled" by the wiki. For instance, if I type the character "á", it is rendered as "á". If I look (with `less`) at the html file generated by ikiwiki, I see: `<p>�<83>¡</p>` (the ? sign looks like a square in xterm). More details:
-* My machine's locale is en_US.utf8
-* In my ikiwiki setup file I have `locale => 'en_US.utf-8'`
-* If I edit a file in vim, add accented characters, and render the wiki from the command line, the page displays correctly. The problem only appears when using the web editor.
-* I am using perl 5.10.0.
-* The problem appears even when previewing the page; I don't have to save it. I believe this rules out any RCS misconfiguration.
-* If I edit a page with accented characters in the web editor, and then preview it without making any changes, all accented characters are mangled.
-* I updated the system's packages before the problem appeared. I didn't have time to work on my wiki for a few weeks, so I can't point out which update could be guilty.
-* I am running ikiwiki 2.44.
-I have googled all over the place and I can't find any mention of a similar problem, which makes me think this is a configuration problem on my end and not a bug. It likely has to do with UTF8; I am at a loss about how to fix (or even diagnose) this, though, and I'd appreciate any pointers.
-> More information:
-* I downgraded to ikiwiki 2.41 and firefox 2.0.11; the problem still appears. I know
-for sure that ikiwiki 2.41 used to work here.
-* I have upgraded to ikiwiki 2.45
-* On a page where characters are mangled, firefox reports that the charset is utf-8.
-> I think this leaves the upgrade to perl 5.10 as the last suspect. Unfortunately, I can't
-> easily go back to 5.8. I will probably install my distro again in another partition, but
-> that will take some time.
-> I've been unable to use my wiki for more than a week now, I'd really appreciate it if
-> someone has pointers or suggestions. Should I move this to a bug?
+> This might be related to [Text::Markdown bug #37297](http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=37297).--ChapmanFlack 9Jul2008