* `postform` - Set to "yes" to enable a form to post new pages to a
* `postformtext` - Set to specify text that is displayed in a postform.
-* `rootpage` - Enable the postform, and allows controling where
+* `rootpage` - Enables the postform, and allows controling where
newly posted pages should go, by specifiying the page that
they should be a [[SubPage]] of.
page. By default the `inlinepage` template is used, while
the `archivepage` template is used for archives. Set this parameter to
use some other, custom template, such as the `titlepage` template that
- only shows post titles. Note that you should still set `archive=yes` if
+ only shows post titles or the `microblog` template, optimised for
+ microblogging. Note that you should still set `archive=yes` if
your custom template does not include the page content.
* `raw` - Rather than the default behavior of creating a blog,
if raw is set to "yes", the page will be included raw, without additional
* `sort` - Controls how inlined pages are sorted. The default, "age" is to
sort newest created pages first. Setting it to "title" will sort pages by
title, and "mtime" sorts most recently modified pages first. If
- [Sort::Naturally](http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sort-Naturally/lib/Sort/Naturally.pm)
- is installed, `sort` can be set to "title_natural" to sort by title with
- numbers treated as such ("1 2 9 10 20" instead of "1 10 2 20 9").
+ [[!cpan Sort::Naturally]] is installed, `sort` can be set to "title_natural"
+ to sort by title with numbers treated as such ("1 2 9 10 20" instead of
+ "1 10 2 20 9").
* `reverse` - If set to "yes", causes the sort order to be reversed.
* `feedshow` - Specify the maximum number of matching pages to include in
the rss/atom feeds. The default is the same as the `show` value above.
For example, set "feedfile=feed" to cause it to generate `page/feed.atom`
and/or `page/feed.rss`. This option is not supported if the wiki is
configured not to use `usedirs`.
+* `pagenames` - If given instead of `pages`, this is interpreted as a
+ space-separated list of links to pages (with the same
+ [[SubPage/LinkingRules]] as in a [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]]), and they are inlined
+ in exactly the order given: the `sort` and `pages` parameters cannot be used
+ in conjunction with this one.
[[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]