return $page."style.css";
} #}}}
-sub htmllink ($$;$$$) { #{{{
- my $page=shift;
+sub htmllink ($$$;$$$) { #{{{
+ my $lpage=shift; # the page doing the linking
+ my $page=shift; # the page that will contain the link (different for inline)
my $link=shift;
my $noimageinline=shift; # don't turn links into inline html images
my $forcesubpage=shift; # force a link to a subpage
my $bestlink;
if (! $forcesubpage) {
- $bestlink=bestlink($page, $link);
+ $bestlink=bestlink($lpage, $link);
else {
- $bestlink="$page/".lc($link);
+ $bestlink="$lpage/".lc($link);
$linktext=pagetitle(basename($link)) unless defined $linktext;
# TODO BUG: %renderedfiles may not have it, if the linked to page
# was also added and isn't yet rendered! Note that this bug is
- # masked by the bug mentioned below that makes all new files
- # be rendered twice.
+ # masked by the bug that makes all new files be rendered twice.
if (! grep { $_ eq $bestlink } values %renderedfiles) {
if (! grep { $_ eq $bestlink } values %renderedfiles) {
return "<span><a href=\"".
- cgiurl(do => "create", page => $link, from =>$page).
+ cgiurl(do => "create", page => $link, from => $page).