* [Telecomix Broadcast System](http://broadcast.telecomix.org/)
* [WikiMIX.cc](http://WikiMIX.cc/)
* Paris Observatory [Information System website](http://dio.obspm.fr/), also used for internal documentation
+* [SolderPad Documentation](http://docs.solderpad.com)
+* [The Open TV White Space Project](http://opentvws.org)
+* [The RS-232 Club](http://rs232club.org)
+* [FusionInventory project](http://www.fusioninventory.org)
Personal sites and blogs
* [Michael Hammer](http://www.michael-hammer.at/)
* [Richardson Family Wiki](http://the4richardsons.com) A wiki, blog or some such nonsense for the family home page or something or other... I will eventually move the rest of my sites to ikiwiki. The source of the site is in git.
* [The personal website of Andrew Back](http://carrierdetect.com)
-* [SolderPad Documentation](http://docs.solderpad.com)
* [Paul Elms](http://paul.elms.pro) Personal site and blog in russian.
* [James' Tech Notes](http://jamestechnotes.com) My technical notes, blog, wiki, personal site.
* [Salient Dream](http://www.salientdream.com/) - All Things Strange.