* [The BSD Associate Admin Book Project](http://bsdwiki.reedmedia.net/)
* The [maildirman wiki](http://svcs.cs.pdx.edu/maildirman)
* The [linuxbierwanderung wiki/homepage](http://www.linuxbierwanderung.org)
+* The [Relativistic Programming research wiki](http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/rp).
+* [Debian-IN](http://debian-in.alioth.debian.org/)
Personal sites and blogs
* I keep my personal project notes and specs in a private ikiwiki - it's the perfect tool for this task. - [the daniel](http://neoglam.com)
* [Schabis blaue Seite](http://schabi.de) - I abuse ikiwiki as blog/cms combo, and will migrate all existing content into ikiwiki eventually.
* [Ben Coffey's blog and personal site](http://inelegant.org/).
+* [blog of LukClaes](http://zomers.be/~luk/blog/).
+* [Per Olofsson](http://people.dsv.su.se/~pelle/)
+* [Effective Programming](http://effectiveprogramming.com/)
+* [Embedded Moose](http://embeddedmoose.com), Andrew Greenberg's personal and consulting page.
+* [Chez Fred](http://fred.ccheznous.org)
+* [Cameron Dale](http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~camerond/personal/)
+* [[KarlMW]]'s [homepage](http://mowson.org/karl/), generated with an ikiwiki
+ [asciidoc plugin](http://mowson.org/karl/colophon/).
Please feel free to add your own ikiwiki site!