# Sandbox
+[[!pagestats pages="/tags/*"]]
+[[!sidebar content="dfdsfsf""
+This is my custom sidebar for this page.
+\[[!calendar pages="posts/*"]]
+[[!sidebar ]]
+## number 2
This is the [[SandBox]], a page anyone can edit to try out ikiwiki
(version [[!version ]]).
Let's try this~!
-w00t, how does this look on the **git** end?
+w00t, how does this look on the **git** end? Well, as a commit of course.
Testing this sandbox thing.
* Cool !
* Indeed.
+[[new link]]
### this shows a problem with the list and the verbatim
+Test some tags
+[[!tag tech life linux]]
+[[!taglink tech life linux]]
+[[!toggle id="ipsum" text="show"]]
+[[!toggleable id="ipsum" text="""
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
+eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
+ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
+aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
+[[!toggle id="ipsum" text="hide"]]
-This **SandBox** is also a [[blog]]!
+This **SandBox** is also a [[blog]]! xxx
[[!inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]]a
+[[!format verilog """
+module vc_Mux2 #( parameter W = 1 )
+ input [W-1:0] in0, in1,
+ input sel,
+ output reg [W-1:0] out
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ case ( sel )
+ 1'd0 : out = in0;
+ 1'd1 : out = in1;
+ default : out = {W{1'bx}};
+ endcase
+ end