> I think it would require a different approach to what "tags" are, and/or what "pagestats" are. The pagestats plugin gives statistical information about *pages*, so it requires the pages in question to exist before it can get information about them. The tags plugin creates links to tag *pages*, with the expectation that a human being will create said pages and put whatever content they want on them (such as describing what the tag is about, and a map linking back to the tagged pages).
> I think it would require a different approach to what "tags" are, and/or what "pagestats" are. The pagestats plugin gives statistical information about *pages*, so it requires the pages in question to exist before it can get information about them. The tags plugin creates links to tag *pages*, with the expectation that a human being will create said pages and put whatever content they want on them (such as describing what the tag is about, and a map linking back to the tagged pages).