-# Monotone revision control.
-# http://monotone.ca/
-# This requires the Monotone perl module from the monotone contrib/ directory to be installed.
-# In particlar, we require version 0.03 or higher of that module.
-# It is available from the monotone source repository at:
-# http://viewmtn.angrygoats.net/branch/changes/net.venge.monotone
+package IkiWiki;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
use Date::Format qw(time2str);
-package IkiWiki;
-my $sha1_pattern = qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/; # pattern to validate sha1sums
+my $sha1_pattern = qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/; # pattern to validate sha1sums
-sub check_config() {
- if (!defined($config{srcdir})) {
- error("Ikiwiki srcdir not defined!");
- }
+sub check_config() { #{{{
if (!defined($config{mtnrootdir})) {
$config{mtnrootdir} = $config{srcdir};
error("Ikiwiki srcdir does not seem to be a Monotone workspace (or set the mtnrootdir)!");
- if (!defined($config{mtnmergerc})) {
- $config{mtnmergerc} = "$config{mtnrootdir}/_MTN/mergerc";
- }
chdir $config{srcdir}
or error("Cannot chdir to $config{srcdir}: $!");
-sub get_rev () {
+ my $child = open(MTN, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ open STDERR, ">/dev/null";
+ exec("mtn", "version") || error("mtn version failed to run");
+ }
+ my $version=undef;
+ while (<MTN>) {
+ if (/^monotone (\d+\.\d+) /) {
+ $version=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ close MTN || debug("mtn version exited $?");
+ if (!defined($version)) {
+ error("Cannot determine monotone version");
+ }
+ if ($version < 0.38) {
+ error("Monotone version too old, is $version but required 0.38");
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub get_rev () { #{{{
my $sha1 = `mtn --root=$config{mtnrootdir} automate get_base_revision_id`;
($sha1) = $sha1 =~ m/($sha1_pattern)/; # sha1 is untainted now
if (! $sha1) {
- warn("Unable to get base revision for '$config{srcdir}'.")
+ debug("Unable to get base revision for '$config{srcdir}'.")
return $sha1;
+} #}}}
-sub get_rev_auto ($) {
+sub get_rev_auto ($) { #{{{
my $automator=shift;
my @results = $automator->call("get_base_revision_id");
my $sha1 = $results[0];
($sha1) = $sha1 =~ m/($sha1_pattern)/; # sha1 is untainted now
if (! $sha1) {
- warn("Unable to get base revision for '$config{srcdir}'.")
+ debug("Unable to get base revision for '$config{srcdir}'.")
return $sha1;
+} #}}}
-sub mtn_merge ($$$$$) {
- my $leftRev=shift;
- my $rightRev=shift;
- my $branch=shift;
- my $author=shift;
- my $message=shift; # ignored for the moment because mtn doesn't support it
+sub mtn_merge ($$$$) { #{{{
+ my $leftRev=shift;
+ my $rightRev=shift;
+ my $branch=shift;
+ my $author=shift;
- my $mergeRev;
+ my $mergeRev;
- my $mergerc = $config{mtnmergerc};
my $child = open(MTNMERGE, "-|");
if (! $child) {
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT";
- exec("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "--rcfile", $mergerc, "explicit_merge", $leftRev, $rightRev, $branch, "--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey}) || error("mtn merge failed to run");
+ exec("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}",
+ "explicit_merge", $leftRev, $rightRev,
+ $branch, "--author", $author, "--key",
+ $config{mtnkey}) || error("mtn merge failed to run");
while (<MTNMERGE>) {
close MTNMERGE || return undef;
- warn("merged $leftRev, $rightRev to make $mergeRev");
+ debug("merged $leftRev, $rightRev to make $mergeRev");
return $mergeRev;
+} #}}}
-sub commit_file_to_new_rev($$$$$$$$) {
+sub commit_file_to_new_rev($$$$$$$$) { #{{{
my $automator=shift;
my $wsfilename=shift;
my $oldFileID=shift;
#store the file
my ($out, $err) = $automator->call("put_file", $oldFileID, $newFileContents);
my ($newFileID) = ($out =~ m/^($sha1_pattern)$/);
- error("Failed to store file data for $wsfilename in repository") if (!defined($newFileID) || 40 != length $newFileID);
+ error("Failed to store file data for $wsfilename in repository")
+ if (! defined $newFileID || length $newFileID != 40);
# get the mtn filename rather than the workspace filename
($out, $err) = $automator->call("get_corresponding_path", $oldrev, $wsfilename, $oldrev);
my ($filename) = ($out =~ m/^file "(.*)"$/);
error("Couldn't find monotone repository path for file $wsfilename") if (! $filename);
- warn("Converted ws filename of $wsfilename to repos filename of $filename");
+ debug("Converted ws filename of $wsfilename to repos filename of $filename");
# then stick in a new revision for this file
- my $manifest = "format_version \"1\"\n\n".
- "new_manifest [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000]\n\n".
- "old_revision [$oldrev]\n\n".
- "patch \"$filename\"\n".
- " from [$oldFileID]\n".
- " to [$newFileID]\n";
+ my $manifest = "format_version \"1\"\n\n".
+ "new_manifest [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000]\n\n".
+ "old_revision [$oldrev]\n\n".
+ "patch \"$filename\"\n".
+ " from [$oldFileID]\n".
+ " to [$newFileID]\n";
($out, $err) = $automator->call("put_revision", $manifest);
my ($newRevID) = ($out =~ m/^($sha1_pattern)$/);
- error("Unable to make new monotone repository revision") if (!defined($newRevID) || 40 != length $newRevID);
- warn("put revision: $newRevID");
+ error("Unable to make new monotone repository revision")
+ if (! defined $newRevID || length $newRevID != 40);
+ debug("put revision: $newRevID");
# now we need to add certs for this revision...
# author, branch, changelog, date
$automator->call("cert", $newRevID, "author", $author);
$automator->call("cert", $newRevID, "branch", $branch);
$automator->call("cert", $newRevID, "changelog", $message);
- $automator->call("cert", $newRevID, "date", time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%T", time, "UTC"));
+ $automator->call("cert", $newRevID, "date",
+ time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%T", time, "UTC"));
- warn("Added certs for rev: $newRevID");
+ debug("Added certs for rev: $newRevID");
return $newRevID;
+} #}}}
-sub check_mergerc() {
- my $mergerc = $config{mtnmergerc};
- if (! -r $mergerc ) {
- warn("$mergerc doesn't exist. Creating file with default mergers.");
- open(DATA, ">$mergerc") or error("can't open $mergerc $!");
- my $defaultrc = "".
-" function local_execute_redirected(stdin, stdout, stderr, path, ...)\n".
-" local pid\n".
-" local ret = -1\n".
-" io.flush();\n".
-" pid = spawn_redirected(stdin, stdout, stderr, path, unpack(arg))\n".
-" if (pid ~= -1) then ret, pid = wait(pid) end\n".
-" return ret\n".
-" end\n".
-" if (not execute_redirected) then -- use standard function if available\n".
-" execute_redirected = local_execute_redirected\n".
-" end\n".
-" if (not mergers.fail) then -- use standard merger if available\n".
-" mergers.fail = {\n".
-" cmd = function (tbl) return false end,\n".
-" available = function () return true end,\n".
-" wanted = function () return true end\n".
-" }\n".
-" end\n".
-" mergers.diffutils_force = {\n".
-" cmd = function (tbl)\n".
-" local ret = execute_redirected(\n".
-" \"\",\n".
-" tbl.outfile,\n".
-" \"\",\n".
-" \"diff3\",\n".
-" \"--merge\",\n".
-" \"--show-overlap\",\n".
-" \"--label\", string.format(\"[Yours]\", tbl.left_path ),\n".
-" \"--label\", string.format(\"[Original]\", tbl.anc_path ),\n".
-" \"--label\", string.format(\"[Theirs]\", tbl.right_path),\n".
-" tbl.lfile,\n".
-" tbl.afile,\n".
-" tbl.rfile\n".
-" )\n".
-" if (ret > 1) then\n".
-" io.write(gettext(\"Error running GNU diffutils 3-way difference tool 'diff3'\"))\n".
-" return false\n".
-" end\n".
-" return tbl.outfile\n".
-" end,\n".
-" available =\n".
-" function ()\n".
-" return program_exists_in_path(\"diff3\");\n".
-" end,\n".
-" wanted =\n".
-" function ()\n".
-" return true\n".
-" end\n".
-" }\n";
- print DATA $defaultrc;
- close(DATA);
- }
-sub read_certs ($$) {
+sub read_certs ($$) { #{{{
my $automator=shift;
my $rev=shift;
my @results = $automator->call("certs", $rev);
return @ret;
+} #}}}
-sub get_changed_files ($$) {
+sub get_changed_files ($$) { #{{{
my $automator=shift;
my $rev=shift;
while ($changes =~ m/\s*(add_file|patch|delete|rename)\s"(.*?)(?<!\\)"\n/sg) {
my $file = $2;
- if (! $seen{$file}) { # don't add the same file multiple times
+ # don't add the same file multiple times
+ if (! $seen{$file}) {
push @ret, $file;
$seen{$file} = 1;
return @ret;
-# The following functions are the ones actually called by Ikiwiki
-sub rcs_update () {
- # Update working directory to current version.
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_update () { #{{{
if (defined($config{mtnsync}) && $config{mtnsync}) {
- if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "sync", "--quiet", "--ticker=none", "--key", $config{mtnkey}) != 0) {
- warn("monotone sync failed before update\n");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "sync",
+ "--quiet", "--ticker=none",
+ "--key", $config{mtnkey}) != 0) {
+ debug("monotone sync failed before update");
if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "update", "--quiet") != 0) {
- warn("monotone update failed\n");
+ debug("monotone update failed");
+} #}}}
-sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
- # Prepares to edit a file under revision control. Returns a token
- # that must be passed into rcs_commit when the file is ready
- # for committing.
- # The file is relative to the srcdir.
+sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
# For monotone, return the revision of the file when
# editing begins.
return get_rev();
+} #}}}
-sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) {
+sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
# Tries to commit the page; returns undef on _success_ and
# a version of the page with the rcs's conflict markers on failure.
# The file is relative to the srcdir.
# Something has been committed, has this file changed?
my ($out, $err);
- #$automator->setOpts("-r", $oldrev, "-r", $rev);
- #my ($out, $err) = $automator->call("content_diff", $file);
- #debug("Problem committing $file") if ($err ne "");
- my $diff = `mtn --root=$config{mtnrootdir} au content_diff -r $oldrev -r $rev $file`; # was just $out;
+ $automator->setOpts("r", $oldrev, "r", $rev);
+ ($out, $err) = $automator->call("content_diff", $file);
+ debug("Problem committing $file") if ($err ne "");
+ my $diff = $out;
if ($diff) {
- # this file has changed
- # commit a revision with just this file changed off the old revision
+ # Commit a revision with just this file changed off
+ # the old revision.
+ #
# first get the contents
- warn("File changed: forming branch\n");
+ debug("File changed: forming branch");
my $newfile=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
# then get the old content ID from the diff
# if we made it to here then the file has been committed... revert the local copy
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert", $file) != 0) {
- warn("Unable to revert $file after merge on conflicted commit!");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert", $file) != 0) {
+ debug("Unable to revert $file after merge on conflicted commit!");
- warn("Divergence created! Attempting auto-merge.");
- check_mergerc();
+ debug("Divergence created! Attempting auto-merge.");
# see if it will merge cleanly
- my $mergeResult = mtn_merge($newRevID, $rev, $branch, $author, "Auto-merging parallel web edits.");
+ my $mergeResult = mtn_merge($newRevID, $rev, $branch, $author);
# push any changes so far
if (defined($config{mtnsync}) && $config{mtnsync}) {
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "push", "--quiet", "--ticker=none", "--key", $config{mtnkey}) != 0) {
- warn("monotone push failed\n");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "push", "--quiet", "--ticker=none", "--key", $config{mtnkey}) != 0) {
+ debug("monotone push failed");
if (defined($mergeResult)) {
# everything is merged - bring outselves up to date
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "update", "-r", $mergeResult) != 0) {
- warn("Unable to update to rev $mergeResult after merge on conflicted commit!");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}",
+ "update", "-r", $mergeResult) != 0) {
+ debug("Unable to update to rev $mergeResult after merge on conflicted commit!");
- } else {
- warn("Auto-merge failed. Using diff-merge to add conflict markers.");
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("Auto-merge failed. Using diff-merge to add conflict markers.");
- $ENV{MTN_MERGE}="diffutils_force";
- my $mergeResult = mtn_merge($newRevID, $rev, $branch, $author, "Merge parallel conflicting web edits (adding inline conflict markers).\nThis revision should be cleaned up manually.");
+ $ENV{MTN_MERGE}="diffutils";
+ $ENV{MTN_MERGE_DIFFUTILS}="partial=true";
+ $mergeResult = mtn_merge($newRevID, $rev, $branch, $author);
if (!defined($mergeResult)) {
- warn("Unable to insert conflict markers!");
- error("Your commit succeeded. Unfortunately, someone else committed something to the same\n".
- "part of the wiki at the same time. Both versions are stored in the monotone repository,\n".
- "but at present the different versions cannot be reconciled through the web interface.\n\n".
- "Please use the non-web interface to resolve the conflicts.\n");
+ debug("Unable to insert conflict markers!");
+ error("Your commit succeeded. Unfortunately, someone else committed something to the same ".
+ "part of the wiki at the same time. Both versions are stored in the monotone repository, ".
+ "but at present the different versions cannot be reconciled through the web interface. ".
+ "Please use the non-web interface to resolve the conflicts.");
- # suspend this revision because it has conflict markers...
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "update", "-r", $mergeResult) != 0) {
- warn("Unable to update to rev $mergeResult after conflict-enhanced merge on conflicted commit!");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}",
+ "update", "-r", $mergeResult) != 0) {
+ debug("Unable to update to rev $mergeResult after conflict-enhanced merge on conflicted commit!");
- # return "conflict enhanced" file to the user for cleanup
- # note, this relies on the fact that ikiwiki seems to call rcs_prepedit() again
- # after we return
+ # return "conflict enhanced" file to the user
+ # for cleanup note, this relies on the fact
+ # that ikiwiki seems to call rcs_prepedit()
+ # again after we return
return readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
return undef;
- # if we reached here then the file we're looking at hasn't changed since $oldrev. Commit it.
+ # If we reached here then the file we're looking at hasn't changed
+ # since $oldrev. Commit it.
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "commit", "--quiet", "--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey},
- "-m", possibly_foolish_untaint($message), $file) != 0) {
- warn("Traditional commit failed!\nReturning data as conflict.\n");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "commit", "--quiet",
+ "--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey}, "-m",
+ possibly_foolish_untaint($message), $file) != 0) {
+ debug("Traditional commit failed! Returning data as conflict.");
my $conflict=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$file");
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert", "--quiet", $file) != 0) {
- warn("monotone revert failed\n");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "revert",
+ "--quiet", $file) != 0) {
+ debug("monotone revert failed");
return $conflict;
if (defined($config{mtnsync}) && $config{mtnsync}) {
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "sync", "--quiet", "--ticker=none", "--key", $config{mtnkey}) != 0) {
- warn("monotone sync failed\n");
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "push",
+ "--quiet", "--ticker=none", "--key",
+ $config{mtnkey}) != 0) {
+ debug("monotone push failed");
return undef # success
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ # Note - this will also commit any spurious changes that happen to be
+ # lying around in the working copy. There shouldn't be any, but...
+ check_config();
+ my $author;
+ if (defined $user) {
+ $author="Web user: " . $user;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $ipaddr) {
+ $author="Web IP: " . $ipaddr;
+ }
+ else {
+ $author="Web: Anonymous";
+ }
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "commit", "--quiet",
+ "--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey}, "-m",
+ possibly_foolish_untaint($message)) != 0) {
+ error("Monotone commit failed");
+ }
-sub rcs_add ($) {
- # Add a file. The filename is relative to the root of the srcdir.
+sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
- if (system($config{mtnbinpath}, "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "add", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file") != 0) {
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "add", "--quiet",
+ $file) != 0) {
error("Monotone add failed");
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ my $file = shift;
+ check_config();
+ # Note: it is difficult to undo a remove in Monotone at the moment.
+ # Until this is fixed, it might be better to make 'rm' move things
+ # into an attic, rather than actually remove them.
+ # To resurrect a file, you currently add a new file with the contents
+ # you want it to have. This loses all connectivity and automated
+ # merging with the 'pre-delete' versions of the file.
-sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
- # Examine the RCS history and generate a list of recent changes.
- # The data structure returned for each change is:
- # {
- # user => # name of user who made the change,
- # committype => # either "web" or the name of the rcs,
- # when => # time when the change was made,
- # message => [
- # { line => "commit message line" },
- # { line => "commit message line" },
- # # etc,
- # ],
- # pages => [
- # {
- # page => # name of page changed,
- # diffurl => # optional url to a diff showing
- # # the changes,
- # },
- # # repeat for each page changed in this commit,
- # ],
- # }
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "rm", "--quiet",
+ $file) != 0) {
+ error("Monotone remove failed");
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ check_config();
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "rename", "--quiet",
+ $src, $dest) != 0) {
+ error("Monotone rename failed");
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my $num=shift;
my @ret;
my $child = open(MTNLOG, "-|");
if (! $child) {
- exec($config{mtnbinpath}, "log", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "--no-graph", "--brief") || error("mtn log failed to run");
+ exec("mtn", "log", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "--no-graph",
+ "--brief") || error("mtn log failed to run");
- my $line;
- while (($num >= 0) and ($line = <MTNLOG>)) {
+ while (($num >= 0) and (my $line = <MTNLOG>)) {
if ($line =~ m/^($sha1_pattern)/) {
push @revs, $1;
$num -= 1;
- close MTNLOG || warn "mtn log exited $?";
+ close MTNLOG || debug("mtn log exited $?");
my $automator = Monotone->new();
$automator->open(undef, $config{mtnrootdir});
my (@pages, @message);
foreach my $cert (@$certs) {
- if ($cert->{signature} eq "ok" && $cert->{trust} eq "trusted") {
+ if ($cert->{signature} eq "ok" &&
+ $cert->{trust} eq "trusted") {
if ($cert->{name} eq "author") {
$user = $cert->{value};
- # detect the source of the commit from the changelog
+ # detect the source of the commit
+ # from the changelog
if ($cert->{key} eq $config{mtnkey}) {
$committype = "web";
} else {
$committype = "monotone";
} elsif ($cert->{name} eq "date") {
- $when = time - str2time($cert->{value}, 'UTC');
+ $when = str2time($cert->{value}, 'UTC');
} elsif ($cert->{name} eq "changelog") {
my $messageText = $cert->{value};
- # split the changelog into multiple lines
+ # split the changelog into multiple
+ # lines
foreach my $msgline (split(/\n/, $messageText)) {
push @message, { line => $msgline };
my @changed_files = get_changed_files($automator, $rev);
my $file;
+ my ($out, $err) = $automator->call("parents", $rev);
+ my @parents = ($out =~ m/^($sha1_pattern)$/);
+ my $parent = $parents[0];
foreach $file (@changed_files) {
- push @pages, {
- page => pagename($file),
- } if length $file;
+ next unless length $file;
+ if (defined $config{diffurl} and (@parents == 1)) {
+ my $diffurl=$config{diffurl};
+ $diffurl=~s/\[\[r1\]\]/$parent/g;
+ $diffurl=~s/\[\[r2\]\]/$rev/g;
+ $diffurl=~s/\[\[file\]\]/$file/g;
+ push @pages, {
+ page => pagename($file),
+ diffurl => $diffurl,
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ push @pages, {
+ page => pagename($file),
+ }
+ }
push @ret, {
return @ret;
+} #}}}
-sub rcs_notify () {
- # This function is called when a change is committed to the wiki,
- # and ikiwiki is running as a post-commit hook from the RCS.
- # It should examine the repository to somehow determine what pages
- # changed, and then send emails to users subscribed to those pages.
- warn("The monotone rcs_notify function is currently untested. Use at own risk!");
- if (! exists $ENV{REV}) {
- error(gettext("REV is not set, not running from mtn post-commit hook, cannot send notifications"));
- }
- if ($ENV{REV} !~ m/($sha1_pattern)/) { # sha1 is untainted now
- error(gettext("REV is not a valid revision identifier, cannot send notifications"));
- }
- my $rev = $1;
+sub rcs_diff ($) { #{{{
+ my $rev=shift;
+ my ($sha1) = $rev =~ /^($sha1_pattern)$/; # untaint
- my $automator = Monotone->new();
- $automator->open(undef, $config{mtnrootdir});
+ my $child = open(MTNDIFF, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ exec("mtn", "diff", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "-r", "p:".$sha1, "-r", $sha1) || error("mtn diff $sha1 failed to run");
+ }
- my $certs = [read_certs($automator, $rev)];
- my $user;
- my $message;
- my $when;
+ my (@lines) = <MTNDIFF>;
- foreach my $cert (@$certs) {
- if ($cert->{signature} eq "ok" && $cert->{trust} eq "trusted") {
- if ($cert->{name} eq "author") {
- $user = $cert->{value};
- } elsif ($cert->{name} eq "date") {
- $when = $cert->{value};
- } elsif ($cert->{name} eq "changelog") {
- $message = $cert->{value};
- }
- }
+ close MTNDIFF || debug("mtn diff $sha1 exited $?");
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @lines;
- my @changed_pages = get_changed_files($automator, $rev);
- $automator->close();
- require IkiWiki::UserInfo;
- send_commit_mails(
- sub {
- return $message;
- },
- sub {
- `$config{mtnbinpath} --root=$config{mtnrootdir} au content_diff -r $rev`;
- }, $user, @changed_pages);
+ else {
+ return join("", @lines);
+ }
+} #}}}
-sub rcs_getctime ($) {
- # Optional, used to get the page creation time from the RCS.
- # error gettext("getctime not implemented");
+sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
my $child = open(MTNLOG, "-|");
if (! $child) {
- exec($config{mtnbinpath}, "log", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "--no-graph", "--brief", $file) || error("mtn log $file failed to run");
+ exec("mtn", "log", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "--no-graph",
+ "--brief", $file) || error("mtn log $file failed to run");
my $firstRev;
- close MTNLOG || warn "mtn log $file exited $?";
+ close MTNLOG || debug("mtn log $file exited $?");
if (! defined $firstRev) {
- warn "failed to parse mtn log for $file\n";
+ debug "failed to parse mtn log for $file";
return 0;
if (! defined $date) {
- warn "failed to find date cert for revision $firstRev when looking for creation time of $file\n";
+ debug "failed to find date cert for revision $firstRev when looking for creation time of $file";
return 0;
$date=str2time($date, 'UTC');
debug("found ctime ".localtime($date)." for $file");
return $date;
+} #}}}